The Master Gardeners of Pike County explain the importance of reading your seed packets.

Carefully read the seed package. It contains all the information you need:

  • Should the seeds be started indoors and transplanted or direct sown?

  • How many days to germinate?

  • How many days to harvest?

  • What is the sowing depth?

  • When should the seedlings be transported outdoors?

  • How far to space apart in the garden?

  • What is the expiration date of the seeds?

Proper timing is crucial when you start seeds indoors. You need to move your seedlings outside when they have reached a certain size and the temperature must be right. If you start seeds too early, they may need to move outside before the temperatures reach the correct degree and cold weather will damage or destroy tender seedlings. If they stay indoors too long they can become weak... Proper timing is key!

Quick Guide to Understanding Seed Packets

Seed Starting Demystified