Located at the Penn State Extension of Pike County building at 514 Broad St. in Milford, this demonstration garden is a certified pollinator garden. The project was initiated by the Master Gardener class of 2012 and completed by the 2013 class.

Broad Street Pollinator Garden

Broad Street Pollinator Garden

Having a pollinator friendly garden is a great way for residents of Pike County to help our local biodiversity. Master Gardener Connie Schmotzer explains the basics of starting a pollinator garden.

Come visit our Broad Street Pollinator Demonstration Garden at 514 Broad St in Milford (Penn State Ext office). You will find examples of pollinator friendly plants that you can also grow.

Did you know?

You can certify your garden as being pollinator friendly in Pennsylvania!

For more information, check out Penn State Extension's Pollinator Garden Certification. Or, ask one of your local Master Gardeners!