Penn State Extension Master Gardeners in 67 Pennsylvania counties are trained to answer residents’ questions about gardening, on topics such as soil testing, growing vegetables, plant selection, pruning fruit trees, common plant diseases, insect identification, lawn care, and more.

Photo by Chris Anthony, Penn State Extension Master Gardener

Photo by Chris Anthony, Penn State Extension Master Gardener

How to Contact the Garden Hotline in Pike County

If you have a plant question or would like an insect identification, please send a detailed description via email to . You may attach two or three high quality photos to help the Master Gardeners identify the plant or insect. Master Gardeners will promptly retrieve your email and respond. If you would like to meet with a Master Gardener, walk-in hours are available on Tuesdays from 10 am to noon starting in May to the end of September.

Soil Test Kits and Water Test Kits
Soil test kits are available at the Pike County Extension office located at 514 Broad St, Milford PA. The cost of the kit is $10.  Master Gardeners are available through Garden Hotline to help homeowners interpret the results.

Plant Pathology Services
If the Garden Hotline is unable to diagnose your plant disease, the Penn State Plant Disease Clinic at main campus accepts samples for evaluation.

The Clinic is accepting digital sample submission and encourage submission of photos before mailing samples. Digital samples can be sent to . If necessary, physical samples can be mailed to the clinic via US Mail, FedEx and UPS. See the Clinic website for more specific information on submitting digital and physical samples.

How did we do?

How did we do? If you recently used our services, we would be grateful if you would fill out this quick survey.

Master Gardener Hotline

Master Gardeners answer questions on a variety of topics including growing vegetables, fruits, ornamentals and turfgrass, plant identification, pruning, and insect and disease problems. Advice encourages the use of integrated pest management and environmentally sound practices.