Posted: February 28, 2022

Don't delay, buy seeds today. The varieties you want most may be gone if you wait. Impatient? Want to try a different seed starting technique? Plant now in containers with air holes, seed starting medium, and hardy seeds. Leave them outdoors to sprout.

Photo by Carolyn Jones

Photo by Carolyn Jones

It's time when Pike County residents begin thinking about planning their gardens. Want to learn a different style of seed starting? Learn how to start seeds without the need for grow lights, heating devices or seed starting kits.

Instructions for winter sowing:

Materials: 1 gallon milk jug, cold hardy seed varieties, soil-less seed starting medium, duct tape, cutting implement

To begin this unique seed starting method, select seeds that thrive in the cold, such as, petunias, chives, cosmos, kale, spinach, and violas are a good choices.

Prepare the container by washing the jug with warm, soapy water, and rinsing clean. Create air holes and drain holes. Cut the container almost in half horizontally.

Fill the container with 2-4 inches of soil-less seed starting medium. Water lightly, so the soil is moist, not wet. Sow the seeds according to the directions. After sowing, seal the container with duct tape.

Label the jug. Very important!

Place container outside in the sun. It can be rained and snowed on! Plant sprouted seedlings directly in ground after chance of frost.