Posted: June 21, 2022

Throughout Pike County, a fragrant, white flowering shrub is blooming right now in multiple landscapes. Is it a friend or foe?

Photo by Mark Silverstone

Photo by Mark Silverstone

Be wary of those fragrant white flowering bushes with the vicious thorns dotting the June landscape. Multiflora roses were imported from Asia as a useful shrub thought to attract wildlife, help with erosion, and be a living fence to contain livestock. Now banned from commercial sale in Pennsylvania, they are considered a noxious weeds. In contrary, they do not attract wildlife but crowd out native plants, spreading easily from seed and roots. Any stem touching the ground will produce a new plant 6 to 10 feet tall. Once established, Multiflora rose is difficult to get rid of. To learn more about this invasive plant see the Penn State Extension article on Multiflora Rose.

~ Article by Master Gardener Sheila Salmon