Posted: November 23, 2021

The Penn State Extension Master Gardeners partner with the Pike County Commissioners on a multi-phase project to bring beautification to the front of the Courthouse.

Photo by Mary Ciccolella

Photo by Mary Ciccolella

Master Gardeners of Pike County in alliance with the Pike County Commissioners created a multi-phase plan for a beautification and educational project in front of the Pike County Courthouse. Phase one of the project, completed over the summer, was an installation of a four-season garden surrounding the flagpole. Spring bulbs, summer and fall blooming flowers, plus evergreen shrubs were planted to bring a visually appealing year-round garden.

Phase two of the project will be a implemented in the spring of 2022. The next garden, developed by Master Gardeners with the help of the current master gardener trainees, will feature plants and flowers where visitors to the Courthouse can walk through to experience different scents, colors, and textures. The garden will be lined with bricks that complement the stonework of the Courthouse. Signage, descriptive brochures, and educational presentations are planned to inform the public on how to recreate these gardens in their home landscapes.