Learn how to calculate the right amount of seed to plant based on the size of your garden.

Knowing how much seed to buy or how many plants you'll need for your harvest can be a huge money saver when you garden. If you're gardening to produce your own food for the entire year, it's especially helpful to know what you can plan on getting out of your hard work.

Take the time to calculate how much space you have and then figure how much you'll need to plant for your family. For example, our raised bed garden is made up of 16 beds that are 12'x3'. That's 576 square feet. Most recommendations for a family of four are in the 500 to 600 Sq. Ft. range. With the extra smaller beds we have, a family of four could grow most of the produce they need for a year with some to preserve.

These guidelines from Virginia Cooperative Extension contain a table of how much seed to plant.