Here are first steps for planning a vegetable garden.

Photo credit: Kim Frey

Photo credit: Kim Frey

  1. Test your soil. Kits are available at Penn State Extension (Farm & Home Center in Lancaster). Decide if your soil needs amendments.
  2. Start planning in January!
  3. Familiarize yourself with seed packets and catalogs which contain essential information on individual plants.
  4. Choose a location with 6-8 hours of sunlight and access to water.
  5. Choose the shape and size of your garden. Raised beds, Keyhole, Wide rows, or traditional long rows… are some suggestions.
  6. Start small until you know how much time you have to spend.
  7. Decide how much you want or need to produce. Will you preserve some?How many people are you feeding?
  8. Keep a journal to record crop rotation and other important info.
  9. Think about whether to use mulch and what kind.