Posted: July 23, 2019

Conferences and club visits were high on the Council list this month!

Addison visited Fort Indiantown Gap.

Addison visited Fort Indiantown Gap.

Clover Corner
If you would like to invite us to your next event, please fill out a Request Form on our website, our advisors will follow up with you to confirm our availability.

By Molly Scheetz, Council Reporter / Historian

State Council got to wrap their month of June up in a fun way, ending the month at the Science of Agriculture Challenge and State Leadership Conference Junior. The Council members along with the attending delegates got to be part of a technology playground, where they learned how to code, make an electric circuit, control a robotic ball using an iPad or even fly a drone. The youth participating in the Leadership Conference also attended workshops that focused more on leadership skills like dress for success, being a role model, public speaking, creative team building, mindfulness and a presentation on club officer position and roles. With all the learning they were doing throughout the week they got to take a break to have some fun touring Beaver Stadium and the All-Sports Museum.

The Pennsylvania 4-H Science of Agriculture Challenge engages youth in navigating opportunities in Pennsylvania's food and agriculture industry and workforce. The concept of the program was built upon the six Pillars of Agricultural Literacy as designed by American Farm Bureau. The six pillars involve the relationship between agriculture and the following topics: Animals; Environment; Food, Fiber, and Energy; Lifestyle; Technology; and Economics.

State Council member Addison Neff meet with the Adjutant General of Pennsylvania, Major General Carrelli, the Pennsylvania National Guard Chief of Staff, Colonel Laura McHugh and the Director of staff for the Pennsylvania Air National Guard, Lt. Col Donald O'Shell at Fort Indiantown Gap to discuss the statewide 4-H service project of writing thank you cards to service men and women. She also shared about the 4-H program overall.

Member Reports

Andrew Bowman - Lehigh County, President

Kelsey Bish - Clarion County, VP of Operations and Events

Kelsey visited clubs in Clarion County and spoke with them about State Council and statewide events. She also volunteered 5 hours of her time with her 4-H club to clean up at a local park.

Addison Neff - Dauphin County, VP of Internal Affairs

This month Addison attended the Capital Regional Fashion Show, where she led the pledges and spoke about State Council. Addison volunteered with her church for an hour and half staining a fence around a playground. A personal accomplishment Addison had this month was she received a gold ribbon for her embroidery project at the Capital Region Textile Revue, and finished filling out all of her school scholarship applications on time. Contacts that Addison made this month were Martha Gregory, Lebanon Cunty Extension Educator.

Trisha Poorbaugh - Fayette County, Secretary

Trisha helped teach a workshop at State Leadership Conference Junior on officer training. She also spoke to Fayette County Teen Council about State Council. Trisha also attended the Science of Agriculture Challenge to give out awards and take pictures with winners. She volunteers to help set up and run items through Fayette County 4-H's benefit auction. A personal accomplishment this month for her was completing this years Pennsylvania Club Livestock Association show circuit with Champion Skillathon in her age division.

Molly Scheetz - Bucks County, Reporter and Historian

Molly led two workshops at State Leadership Conference Junior. She also spoke with Chester County 4-H Teen Council about State Council and statewide events. Molly worked with her county's poultry club on writing thank you cards. She volunteered 2 hours of time making a community action plan at Citizenship Washington Focus. A personal accomplishment she had this month was being able to attended her first national 4-H event.