No matter what they choose to do after leaving the program, 4-H alumni make a difference wherever they go. In our series of alumni highlights, Pennsylvania 4-H will explore the work and achievements of former Pennsylvania 4-H'ers around the state and throughout the country.
Pennsylvania 4-H alumna Alyssa Neff has maintained her connection to 4-H by serving as a volunteer in Lancaster County in Nebraska and in Dauphin County in Pennsylvania.

Alexandra Adams got her start in 4-H in sixth grade when she joined her local poultry club. From there, she learned leadership and public speaking skills that helped her launch her career as a teacher.

Jodi Gauker was a 4-H member in Westmoreland County for ten years. Currently, she is the agriculture project director for the Chester County Economic Development Council.

4-H alumna Madeline McEachin says, "I believe 4-H made me who I am today and taught me so many fundamental skills that have helped me to accelerate my life after leaving the 4-H program."

4-H alumna Julia Jumper used the leadership skills she learned in 4-H to kickstart her career as a pastry chef. Jumper notes that 4-H also helped her develop confidence and become more outgoing, skills that have helped her in her work.

Corbin became a 4-H member in 1949 or 1950 in Jefferson County.

Pennsylvania 4-H alumna Lucy Hutchinson is currently a medical student. She notes, "There is no way that I could have reached this point on my journey to become a doctor without 4-H. After all, 4-H is what taught me the scientific method, to try new things, to view failure as anything but defeat, and most importantly to connect with other people.

Pennsylvania 4-H alumna Mary Jo Gibson has been a 4-H member, club leader, and volunteer since 1958.

Pennsylvania 4-H alumna Karen Geibel was a member in Allegheny and Butler Counties.

Pennsylvania 4-H alumna Siobhan Fathel is currently an assistant teaching professor at Penn State in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering.

Pennsylvania 4-H alumna Margee Wolff was a member of several clubs in Westmoreland County, including the County Council and the Travel-All Club.