Posted: October 13, 2021

2021 State Council Team Update by Tayler Garges, 4-H State Council Reporter and Historian

Livy Jumper attended the ceremony hosted by the Department of Agriculture that unveiled the 2022 PA Farm Show theme, Harvesting More.

Livy Jumper attended the ceremony hosted by the Department of Agriculture that unveiled the 2022 PA Farm Show theme, Harvesting More.

The State Council has been working hard on planning for SLC Jr. We have designed lessons plans that we will be teaching about leadership, communication, and more! One of our goals for the event is to incorporate our theme into the activities as much as possible. We have designed different activities for the youth to do during the downtime that will teach them about different cultures from around the world.

We are also plugging away at planning for SLC in January. We have been working on decoration ideas, the speaker list, and more ways to incorporate our theme, "Be different Together", into the event. We are very excited that it is getting to be a little colder out and our service project might begin to ramp up.

Some of the council members, Livy, Abigail, and Tayler, were able to attend the PA Junior Dairy Show on September 11th. During the event, the members got the opportunity to learn a little more about how to show dairy cattle and the dairy industry as a whole. Throughout the day we handed ribbons out to the exhibitors and were able to talk to them about their cows and how they started showing cattle. We also told them about some of our upcoming events such as SLC Jr. And SLC.

During the council's monthly business meeting we had the opportunity to chat with some of the members of the Michigan State Youth Leadership Council. We discussed different events that are held in each state, how they are run, and the planning that goes into them. One of the major events that we were able to talk about was the upcoming SLC Jr. We explained how we make the lessons and teach the members that come to the event. The council discussed how we are trying to tie in our theme of "Be Different Together" into the break session activities and the decorations for the event. We also discussed how we make goals at the beginning of the term to try and accomplish throughout our year on Council. One thing that we really focused on was our service project goal of collecting winter jackets. We were also to learn about how the Michigan council helps with different events in their state, such as the Teen Leadership and Global Citizenship Spectacular. We also discussed how their council is structured. They have around 24 first- and second-year members. The members stay on the council for two years and the older members serve as mentors for the first-year members.