Posted: September 25, 2020

A theme reveal, and back to school time! See what State Council has been up to in the past month.

State Council unveiled their theme, Plant Leaders, Grow Success.

State Council unveiled their theme, Plant Leaders, Grow Success.

With great enthusiasm, the 2020 Pennsylvania 4-H State Council announced on September 7, that the statewide theme is "Plant Leaders, Growing Success." This theme will be incorporated in SLC Junior and SLC (State Leadership Conference). This month, Council had the opportunity to meet with Secretary Russel Redding, who was a great encouragement and boosted Council's spirits to keep pushing through these difficult times. Council encourages all Pennsylvania 4-H'ers to keep pushing forward and reflect upon what the theme means to them. Finally, keep writing those thank you cards to your local first responders to help with the statewide service project.

Jillian Ranko- Butler County, President

This month Jillian learned about the beginnings of agricultural education in Pennsylvania. Jillian has now been at college for a few weeks, and she is loving everything about Penn State! She has made so many connections with peers and faculty. It's incredible to see how this Council experience has prepared her for college: staying on top of emails, planning her schedule out, and more. Contacts that Jillian was able to make were Dr. Kevin Curry, Assistant Professor for Agricultural and Extension Education Teacher Preparation, Mrs. Beth Mathie, Program Manager for Center for Professional Personnel Development, Ms. Terra Ingram, Administrative Support Coordinator at Center for Professional Personnel Development, and Mr. Jon Seaman, Program Manager at Center for Professional Personnel Development.

Audrey Ferrie- Warren County, Vice President of Operations

Audrey began her sophomore year of college and is beginning to adapt to the new normal of all online classes through Zoom. She has also been wrapping up her final year of 4-H by completing her record books and showing her project horse at open shows. Contacts that Audrey made were Jennifer Grooms, who asked her to jump on a Zoom call with the new Warren County photography club to introduce herself as a senior member in Warren County and play a few mixer games with them. Finally, she was also able to put in a little plug about what 4-H State Council is and encourage members to sign up for SLC Junior.

Amanda Hollabaugh- Adams County, Vice President of Events

Amanda had the opportunity this month to volunteer with the Susquehanna University Republicans Club and set out American flags in memory of all of those who died during the 9/11 attacks. A personal accomplishment for Amanda was working towards completing her Diamond Clover Award Application. She is also working hard in college and staying active in clubs and events on campus.

Sydney Brown- Erie County, Vice President of Internal Affairs

Sydney helped this month to build manmade ecosystems that get put in lakes to help with habitat. She also helped build porcupine hutches. Sydney is excited for a year of learning and growing at college with many opportunities to come.

Laurie Enders- Armstrong County, Secretary

This month Laurie started college at Penn State Dubois. She is learning more about her career field as well. Laurie is glad to be at college and is ready for an exciting year ahead.

Alyssa Neff- Dauphin County, Reporter/Historian

This month Alyssa was able to send her recorded Community Presentation to Reach Cyber Academy to be shared with students across Pennsylvania. This presentation was about 10 minutes long and shared all about Pennsylvania 4-H and how to get involved. An accomplishment for Alyssa this month was getting accepted into all the colleges she applied to. She also successfully started her senior year of high school back in person five days a week.