Posted: June 1, 2021

May 2021 State Council Team Update by Tayler Garges, 4-H State Council Reporter and Historian.

4-H members meet with Humphrey Fellows from Myanmar (photo by Tamra Fatemi-Badi of WPSU

4-H members meet with Humphrey Fellows from Myanmar (photo by Tamra Fatemi-Badi of WPSU

The State Council has been learning about cultural diversity throughout the month of May. The team learned about the difference between equality and equality and some of the issues that our country is facing during a presentation from two youth, Kat Scott and Maya Beckley. The presentation opened up a lot of discussion between the Council and brought a lot of new ideas and perspectives on topics relating to diversity.

Sticking with the theme of cultural diversity, the Council has been helping to host three different cultural presentations throughout the month of May. Presenters, Vladislave Slavov from Bulgaria, and Pamoussa Sawadogo from Burkina Faso, talk about their lives and what their culture looks like. There has been three different sessions offered where members are able to learn more about different cultures from around the world that they may not know as much about. The presentation starts off with a video describing what the culture entails and then the session is left open for a question and answer session. The first presentation was held on May 10, the second on May 19 and the third will be on May 25 starting at 7:00 on Zoom.

The Council is also very excited to be able to start putting their service project into motion. This year we will be collecting winter clothing items, such as winter jackets, scarves, gloves or mittens, and hats to donate. There will be collection boxes dispersed throughout the state at the county Extension offices where members can drop off their donations. We will be keeping a record of how many items are donated through the different levels that we have set up. Once each amount for the level has been reached, the Council will be performing different activities to keep the fun in the project. Our highest level, the gold level, is to collect 1,500 items by the 2022 State Leadership Conference.