Posted: June 25, 2020

Virtual tours and interacting with 4-H clubs were big highlights this month! Engaging with 4-H'ers and the public have remained a top priority for State Council. Check out their monthly update.

State Council poses with Deputy Secretaries and department heads from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

State Council poses with Deputy Secretaries and department heads from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

By Alyssa Neff
State Council Reporter / Historian

From exciting presentations given to different counties to engaging Council visits, this month the Council had many amazing opportunities to continue making connections. On June 8th, Council visited with the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau staff, Kristina Watson, Darrin Youker, Joel Rotz, and afterwards Lancaster Framing newspaper special edition's editor Courtney Love and editor in chief Phillip Gruber. Lastly, Council finished off their virtual visits by meeting with the Department of Agriculture's Dr. Welliver, Dr. Brightbill, Jeff Warner, Deputy Secretary Cheryl Cook, Deputy Secretary Greg Hostetter, and Deputy Secretary Fred Strathmeyer. The connections made within these visits were inspiring for all Council members and reminded each one of our undying passion for the 4-H program. Presenting to different County councils was also a great experience which will help us to continue making statewide connections, while teaching 4-H'ers parliamentary procedure and officer training skills.

Jillian Ranko - Butler County, President

This month Jillian had the opportunity to present a one-hour Parli Pro Presentation along with four of her other Council members to Crawford County Council via zoom. Along with the rest of the Council, she met with the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, Lancaster Farming, and Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture via Zoom. A personal accomplishment for Jillian this month was officially graduating from high school. It was an unconventional graduation ceremony and senior year, but still Jillian is grateful for all of the experiences high school brought to her and she is ecstatic to be a student of Penn State University in the fall, where she will be majoring in Agricultural and Extension Education and attending main campus.

Audrey Ferrie - Warren County, Vice President of Operations

This month Audrey had the opportunity to attend Pennsylvania Youth Town Hall with Lieutenant Governor John and Second Lady Fetterman on June 14th and to participate in the Hold Your Horses virtual horse camp which discussed the role of State Council. She ran icebreaker activities and presented a Parli Pro Workshop for Crawford County on June 15. Along with the rest of the Council, she met with Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, Lancaster Farming, and Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture all via Zoom. Audrey's personal accomplishments were starting her new job as a waitress and being able to adjust really well to this position. She was reminded and thankful that 4-H has given her the skills such as personable communication, confidence, and organization in order to adapt to serving well.

Amanda Hollabaugh - Adams County, Vice President of Events

This month Amanda had the opportunity to present at Officer Training Workshop for Somerset County on May 28, to present a Parli Pro Workshop for Erie County June 14, and a Parli Pro Workshop for Crawford County on June 15. Along with the rest of the Council, she met with Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, Lancaster Farming, and Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture via Zoom. After visiting with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, Amanda did further research to learn even more about what the department does. Personal Accomplishments for Amanda were working with her county educator to plan a virtual day camp, and officially graduating from high school.

Sydney Brown - Erie County, Vice President of Internal Affairs

This month Sydney had the opportunity to present at Officer Training Workshop for Somerset County on May 28 and present a Parli Pro Workshop for Erie County June 14. Along with the rest of the Council, she met with the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, Lancaster Farming, and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture via zoom. After visiting with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Sydney had the amazing opportunity to volunteer at a wildlife rescue transporter and complete a training to be able to rescue wildlife.

Laurie Enders - Armstrong County, Secretary

Laurie had the opportunity to present at Officer Training Workshop for Somerset County on May 28, present a Parli Pro Workshop for Erie County June 14, and a Parli Pro Workshop for Crawford County on June 15. Along with the rest of the Council she met with the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, Lancaster Farming, and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture via zoom. An amazing service activity that Laurie had the opportunity to participate in was volunteering for 21 hours at Lenape Elementary School with helping to pack breakfasts and lunches for youth. Laurie's personal accomplishment was finishing her last day of school on June 2nd, even though she does not have a diploma in hand yet.

Alyssa Neff - Dauphin County, Reporter/Historian

Alyssa had the opportunity to present at an Officer Training Workshop for Somerset County on May 28, present a Parli Pro Workshop for Erie County June 14, and a Parli Pro Workshop for Crawford County on June 15. Along with the rest of the Council, she met with the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, Lancaster Farming, and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture via zoom. Alyssa's personal accomplishments were finishing her 4-H weaving project for this year which was weaving a scarf. Also, she was able to finish her floral arrangements 4-H project book, and complete a floral wreath that she was working on.