Posted: April 9, 2020

Are you up to the Challenge?

PA 4-H Horse Program East-West Challenge!

As you complete the tasks listed for the challenge that week, submit videos, documents or photos to both equine extension associates. to extension associates, Joe Stanco (Eastern Region), and Lew Trumble (Western Region), .

Incomplete challenges will be listed as pending completion.
Youth can be assisted by family members.


  • Overall Junior(ages 8-13) and Senior(ages 14-18)
  • Top 3 Junior East and West
  • Top 3 Senior East and West

All cloverbud members who participate will be recognized.

If you missed a challenge, do not hesitate to participate in the remaining challenges.

Challenge 1

Design a trail course. Include at least all mandatory required obstacles in a trail class in the 4-H horse program. In your description of your course, include the trail class name and designate what show level it is for (county, district or state). Make sure to mark all measurements in your course.

Using the Pasture Blue Print (found in this year's QAM materials) design a pasture, fencing, outbuildings, barn, water source, etc. This can be done with model horses, Legos, toys, catalog cutouts or a drawing done by hand or with a computer program. Be Creative!

In addition to the health requirements, required by the PA 4-H Horse Program, what other routine health care might you or others be scheduling for your horse throughout the year? This can be done via video or in a written form.


Complete an activity from Activity Book A. Use your imagination! Doesn't have to be with just paper and pencil. Dig out your toys, model horses, Legos and more!

Helpful Resources: PA 4-H Horse Show Rule Book, Penn State Equine Extension and Trail Pole Measurement Info-graphic

Challenge 2

Design a hunter course. Include at least 6 jumps with at least one change of direction as required in the PA 4-H Horse Program Rule Book. In your course description, include the class name, jump height and designate what show level it is for(county, district or state). Make sure to make measurements between fences(where applicable).

Using a toy, model horse, stuffed animal or anything else, demonstrate an unsafe situation you might find a horse or yourself in at the barn and how you would correct it in order for it to be a safe situation. This can include anything from physical health to animal welfare or biosecurity. Be Creative!

Using the following scenario, describe in a document, with photos or in a video, how you would handle the following situation; There is an outbreak of strangles in your barn. Explain or demonstrate how you would handle this crisis!


Complete an activity from Activity Book B. Use your imagination! Doesn't have to be with just paper and pencil. Dig out your toys, model horses, Legos and more!

Helpful Resources: PA 4-H Horse Show Rule Book, Penn State Equine Extension, and Sample Jumps and Course Design for Over Fence Classes Guidelines.

Challenge 3

Demonstrate a pattern of your choice! This can be on a horse(safely), with a stick horse or broom, on foot or with your model horses! Please be sure to include a copy of the pattern and class name when you submit this challenge.

ID three parts of the bridle from the discipline of your choosing. This can be done in a video or a photo that is labeled with the names of the parts.

Explain how the 4-H Horse Program has impacted your life. Include what you have learned and any community service you have been involved with.


Complete an activity from Activity Book C. Use your imagination! Doesn't have to be with just paper and pencil. Dig out your toys, model horses, Legos and more!

Helpful Resource: PA 4-H Horse Show Rule Book