Posted: October 20, 2020

Christine Corl serves her community as a 4-H educator and first responder. Learn more about Christine, her roles as a fire company president, EMT, and 4-H educator. Learn how you can get involved in the 2020 Pennsylvania 4-H State Council Service Project: Thank a First Responder.

Christine Corl is the 4-H educator in Huntingdon County and also serves in her community as a first responder.

Christine Corl is the 4-H educator in Huntingdon County and also serves in her community as a first responder.

In early February, 2020, the newly selected Pennsylvania 4-H State Council chose a service project that all Pennsylvania 4-H youth could support. The project is to create and deliver thank-you cards to the first responders in our communities. This year in particular, we have all witnessed the heroism and selflessness our first responders possess. Take a moment and I am sure you can think of at least one person you know who is considered a first responder. Our family of 4-H educators is no exception.

Christine Corl is the 4-H educator in Huntingdon county. She is also the president of her fire company and an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). We "sat-down", virtually, with Christine to learn more about her role as an EMT and with the fire company and her connection with 4-H.

Q: What parallels do you see between your 4-H role and your first responder role?

In 4-H, we teach youth to be active, responsible citizens in their communities. In my first responder role, I am choosing to volunteer my time to be an active part of my community's framework. Being a first responder requires ongoing education and skills practice so that we are ready to respond to a wide variety of emergencies. I am one part of a team, but if I don't keep up with my part, I am not helping the larger organization. I see this as similar to my 4-H role because I am part of the team. I don't have to be an expert in all areas, but working with my co-workers we can solve the problems and provide support to our organization as a whole. As a first responder, I am also the President of my fire company. Without my own 4-H Club Officer experiences as a youth, I'm not sure I would have possessed the skill set needed to fulfill this role. I often tell my 4-H'ers that their 4-H experience is preparing them to be contributing citizens in their communities as adults, and I'm showing that in my own experience.

Q: What is the most rewarding part of being a first responder?

The most rewarding part of being a first responder is being there to help someone on one of their worst days, and try to make it better for them. Nobody calls 911 because they are having a good day… I feel like my role is to help respond to emergencies, but it is also to educate those in my community and inspire others to do good in theirs. I am a first generation firefighter in my family. This is not something that anyone did "before me" whose footsteps I wanted to follow. At the age of 40, I decided to join the fire company and became a firefighter. Two years later, I realized that there are really very few fires in our response area, but a lot of medical emergencies, which inspired me to become an EMT. Now, my hope is that I will inspire my own children to follow in my footsteps. Not everyone has to be willing to run into a burning building or respond to a medical emergency to be part of their community. But everyone should find their place, something that makes them proud to serve, and be involved in their own community.

Q: If there is anything else you'd like to share, please do!

This is not something I ever thought I would do. I wasn't 10, or 20, or 30 thinking, "someday I'll be a firefighter and an EMT," but it is an opportunity that presented itself that I am glad I tried. I find it very rewarding to be the help when someone needs it, and I hope to be a role model to my own children and others in the community, encouraging them to find a way to give back that means something to them.

Thank you to Christine for her outstanding work as a 4-H educator and first responder! You can get involved in the 2020 Pennsylvania 4-H State Council service project too. Learn more by visiting 4-H State-wide Service Project.

Help the Pennsylvania 4-H State Council reach their goal of distributing 5,000 cards to our first responders, by Januray 2021!

Contact Information

Jeanette Stackhouse
  • Education Program Associate, 4-H Teen Program Manager
Sam Nicola
  • 4-H Youth Development Educator, Northumberland County