Posted: March 16, 2021

Carol is the 2020 recipient of the Pennsylvania 4-H Outstanding Lifetime Volunteer award.

Pictured: Carol Rex, 2020 PA 4-H Outstanding Lifetime Volunteer Award Recipient

Pictured: Carol Rex, 2020 PA 4-H Outstanding Lifetime Volunteer Award Recipient

Carol Rex is a lifelong resident of Adams County. She has been involved in 4-H since she was 12 years old. Carol was an active member, a teen leader, and now a volunteer leader for the past 55 years. If Carol impacted just 50 youth each year of her volunteer service she reached more than 2,750 youth but I know she has impacted many more youth than we could ever count with her knowledge, skills, character, wit, wisdom, teaching, and caring to help others to become the best they can be.

As a young adult, Carol was an International 4-H Youth Exchangee to India. Her family was involved in the 4-H program locally, county, regional, state, inter-state, northeast states, and nationally. She was active in the National 4-H IFYE Association and attended many of the conferences both in the states and world conferences.

She has accomplished so many things and shares her time and talents in so many different ways. Her skills as secretary, working with finances, organization, planning, working with others, teaching are some of her talents that she shares.

She has judged projects locally, was a regional presentation night judge, chaperoned state events, hosted interstate exchange chaperones, traveled as a chaperone on inter-state and intra-state exchange and the list goes on. She served on the Northeast Leaders Forum Committee, PA State Leader Forum committees, and probably has attended more 4-H events than many of her extension agents ever did. Carol has conducted leader training workshops and Officer Training workshops. She actively supports our annual chicken bar-b-ques which have raised thousands of dollars for the Adams County 4-H program. She sold 4-H cookies and who knows what else to support 4-H. She supported efforts to begin 4-H endowments to be sure money was available for the future 4-H program in Adams County. Her heart truly bleeds green.

Her character speaks volumes to what she has accomplished and what she shares with youth in the 4-H program. She served on a number of county and regional committees, 4-H Clubs of Adams County Inc. Board of Directors, Penn State Extension Board, and numerous other county committees in support of the 4-H program and outside 4-H. She advocates for the importance of kids having opportunities in 4-H and getting them to reach beyond their potential in all they do.

Carol champions her efforts outside of 4-H as well. Retired now, she was a secretary for a law office in Gettysburg for her entire working career. A lifelong member of St. James Lutheran Church, Wenksville she is Sunday School superintendent, Treasurer, and on Church Board. Active in the ladies group at church too. She has been active for more than 30 years in the Lutheran Brotherhood-Thrivent organization serving currently as an advocate. A member of the Upper Adams Lions Club for over 27 years, served as a past president, currently 2nd Vice President, Chair of the Student of the Quarter Committee. Coordinator of the Upper Adams Meals on Wheels program and is a volunteer driver for meal delivery. She is a member of the Lutheran Home/Spirit Trust Anniversary Day Committee for over 20 plus years and is currently treasurer. The Upper Adams Community holds a Thanksgiving dinner and Carol is involved with serving that dinner for the 4 years it has happened. She is a founding member of the AFULA group of 4-H volunteers/friends with connections to 4-H. A truly interesting group of individuals.

If you need to get something done or make a contact Carol is the person you want on your side. She was a mentor to me as a 4-H member, friend, and provided tremendous support to me in my role as an extension educator. I learned so much from her about responsibility, leadership, and values. I look forward to her continued help with many special projects in Adams County.