Posted: July 20, 2021

Learn more about Abbey Lynn, former 4-H member and current LGBTQIA+ advocate.

Former PA 4-H member and current LGBTQIA+ advocate, Abbey Lynn

Former PA 4-H member and current LGBTQIA+ advocate, Abbey Lynn

My name is Norah Carter and I am the 2021 Pennsylvania 4-H State Council Vice President of Operations. In support of the 2021 PA 4-H Council theme, "Be Different Together" I contacted former PA 4-H member and current advocate, Abbey Lynn, to talk about her 4-H experience as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Name: Abbey Lynn

Age: 21

Pronouns: She/They

Project Areas: Equine, Model Horses

Norah: How did you hear about 4-H?

Abbey Lynn: I heard through a friend who was already in 4-H. She had a horse in the club already, and encouraged me to join.

Norah: Why did you join 4-H?

Abbey Lynn: I was nine when I joined 4-H. I had a passion for horses and wanted to show. I was interested in the competitive aspect of horse showing, and thought 4-H would be a good outlet to get more involved with it.

Norah: What are some things you like about 4-H?

Abbey Lynn: 4-H provides a wide range of opportunities and skills to learn, and allowed me to meet many lifelong friends. I especially appreciate 4-H's promotion of diversity, and that they strive to be inclusive of everyone.

Norah: How has being in 4-H prepared you for your future?

Abbey Lynn: 4-H has pushed me out of my comfort zone. Through activities such as horse camp, I have become a lot more independent, especially with my public speaking and social skills. Additionally, through judging competitions, my writing skills improved greatly, and I am able to articulate my thoughts well.

Norah: What is a hardship or challenge you faced that 4-H has helped you with?

Abbey Lynn: 4-H has allowed me to meet so many different accepting people, as you get to know different people through group settings. Talking to people from different backgrounds, where everyone supports each other, has fueled me to fight hate and the less diverse horse world outside of 4-H.

Norah: What would you say to a kid who is unsure about joining 4-H?

Abbey Lynn: I would tell them about how many different opportunities there are, including scholarships. There are also many new people you can meet, and about how a community could be built based on that. Trying 4-H could lead to bigger things in your future, so you should give it a chance!

Norah: How has 4-H prepared you to be a good advocate within the horse community?

Abbey Lynn: I've met different people with different backgrounds, which has made me more open-minded, and more knowledgeable about different issues going on within my community. Because of 4-H, I have gained the necessary speaking skills in order to advocate for solutions to those issues.


Abbey's experience in 4-H is an excellent example of the PA Council theme of "Be Different Together." It was a pleasure to talk to her about her experiences in 4-H as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Contact Information

Jeanette Stackhouse
  • Education Program Associate, 4-H Teen Program Manager