Posted: June 3, 2019

Our anthem this month - Johnny Cash's "I've Been Everywhere"! Read on to see all of the places we've been the past month!

2019 State Council

2019 State Council

If you would like to invite us to your next event, please fill out a Request Form on our website. Our advisor will follow up with you to confirm our availability.

Clover Corner
By Molly Scheetz, Council Reporter / Historian

Throughout this month the State Council team has been working hard on promoting our new service project and coming up with a fun and easy way for 4-H members to get involved. Council helped create a simple but eye-catching post card with tear off instructions for members to follow. Most counties have ordered a supply of them to get members involved at the club and county level.

During the month, some of the Council members traveled to counties around the state to teach officer training to club and county officers. Council visited Westmoreland, Indiana, as well as meeting with Adams County via Zoom.

The month of May was kicked off with the first of many statewide competitions, the 4-H State Bowl, Hippology and Skill-a-thon. These competitions were held on Penn State Campus. The Horse Bowl, Rabbit/Cavy Bowl and Skill-a-thon, Avian Bowl, Caine Super Bowl, Dairy Bowl, Hippology, and Livestock Skill-a-thon were held together at this event for the first time. Two members of the State Council attended this event to help in various ways. Many of the winning teams will continue to national contests.

The 4-H State Animal Science camp was held from May 17th to 19th at the Penn State University Park Campus. During this three-day weekend 4-H members were able to sign up for different tracks to follow for the weekend: Livestock, Equine or Dairy. 4-H'ers on each track learned and discovered a deeper understanding of their projects. Everything from manure management to lower limb anatomy and dairy industry technology and designing, creating and advertising an ice cream flavor based on industry trends. Overall this was an amazing opportunity for youth to attend in Penn State to learn about different aspects of their animal projects.

Andrew Bowman -Leigh County, President

This past month Andrew had the opportunity to play a Jazz concert with his school for young musicians. Andrew also got to help with teaching body conditioning for his counties Quality Animal Management training. A personal accomplishment that Andrew had this month was that he finished his college level English class, and was able to debut some of his original music at the Jim Thorpe Earth Day festival. A contact Andrew made this month was Stacie Hritz, the Indiana County 4-H educator.

Kelsey Bish - Clarion County, VP of Operations and Events

Kelsey volunteered five hours of her time to help with garbage clean-up along road sides in her area. She also spent three hours at a local animal shelter where she cleaned pens, took care of animals, etc. A personal accomplishment for Kelsey this month was she helped to successfully run a public speaking contest within her county. Contacts she made this month are all the 4-H'ers at the public speaking contest, and Representative Donna Oberlander.

Addison Neff - Dauphin County, VP of Internal Affairs

Addison had the opportunity to attend the Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, and Perry counties 4-H Speak Out Night. While there she was one of the judges for the Junior and Senior Divisions of the Radio Spot and the Pledge Recitation contests. She also announced and handed out the awards to the participants at the end of the evening. Some personal accomplishments for Addison this month where she received an A on her General Psychology Final at her community college and finished the second part of her yearlong senior project. Addison made contacts with Representatives Barb Gleim and all the county educators at the Speak Out Night.

Trisha Poorbaugh - Fayette County, Secretary

Trisha travel to two different counties to help teach officer training. She also attended the State Bowls contest at Penn State. A personal accomplishment for Trisha this month was earning a local scholarship to put towards her college. Contacts that Trisha made during the month are Stacie Hritz, and all the 4-H members Westmoreland and Indiana county.

Molly Scheetz - Bucks County, Reporter and Historian

During the month Molly received the chance to attend her local FFA chapter's first annual award banquet. Molly volunteered two hours of her time with her county's Beef Club to plant flowers at local Grange building. She also spent four hours at a small local farm helping to get it ready for an open house for the public to come to and learn about agriculture. A personal accomplishment for Molly this month was she planned out the rest of her college class and will graduate with her Associates by December of 2019. A contact Molly made this month is Caitlyn Danka, Upper Bucks County FFA advisor.