Posted: August 22, 2019

Before many of us head back to school, State Council members were out and about at state events, making club visits, and participating in our county fairs.

During their August meeting, State Council met with PSU Ag Sciences Undergraduate Dean Dr. Tracy Hoover and Director of Recruitment Marra Baker.  They were joined by graduate assistant, Jana.

During their August meeting, State Council met with PSU Ag Sciences Undergraduate Dean Dr. Tracy Hoover and Director of Recruitment Marra Baker. They were joined by graduate assistant, Jana.

Clover Corner

If you would like to invite us to your next event, please fill out a Request Form on our website. Our advisor will follow up with you to confirm our availability.

By Molly Scheetz, Council Reporter / Historian

Penn State University's annual three-day Ag Progress Days had a beautiful week of weather, and lots of opportunity for young and old to expand their knowledge. The 4-H program had just over 1,000 youth come through the 4-H & Youth Building, where they learned about fungi, poultry projects, rabbit projects, matching animal tails, had story time and visited the 4-H store.

While many youths were exploring a variety of exhibits that featured 4-H Animal Science, the 4-H State Council had the amazing opportunity to attend the Penn State Ag Alumni ice cream social on Tuesday and meet with Dean Roush, and many other staff and alumni from Penn State. The Pennsylvania Cattlemen Association is a huge supporter of the 4-H State Council and throughout the week, team members volunteered time to serve food in their booth.

New for 2019, all 4-H Shooting Sports contests were held at the same facility. Participants, ages 14-18, selected one of the following
disciplines: Air Pistol, Air Rifle, Archery, Riflery and Shotgun. This gave the participants the experience of seeing the other shooting sports disciplines. In coming years, the event will include guest speakers, educational workshops and the opportunity to participate in more than one contest. State Council members attended the event to promote the 4-H store, Council opportunities, and to greet the winners.

Andrew Bowman - Lehigh County, President

This month Andrew stayed busy with giving a State Council recruitment presentation to a club in Lehigh County. Andrew also volunteered hours in the Cattlemen Association booth and sat in on the Pennsylvania Farm Bill Signing. A personal accomplishment this month for Andrew was that he moved into West Virginia University to start his freshman year. Contacts that were made this month are: Vince Phillips, Governor Wolf, and the FFA State Officer team.

Kelsey Bish - Clarion County, VP of Operations and Events

Kelsey visited Venango County to share with 4-H'ers about State Council. This month Kelsey spent time volunteering at the 4-H Clover Café at the Clarion County fair, and the Cattlemen Association booth at Ag Progress Days. Contacts that she made this month are: Governor Wolf, Secretary Redding, Congressman Thompson, Dr. Tracey Hoover, Marra Baker, Pennsylvania Honey Queen, State FFA Officer Team.

Addison Neff - Dauphin County, VP of Internal Affairs

Addison was very busy this month; she shared with the Upper Dauphin Livestock club about State Council, narrated for the State Fashion Revue and announced the winners. She also attended the Shippensburg Fair and the State Shooting Sports Contest to help in various ways. Addison volunteered hours at her fair leading school groups around. A personal accomplishment for her this month is that she was chosen to receive one of the 4-H scholarships from Dauphin County. She also was awarded a champion ribbon for her complicated embroidery sampler that she had been working on for the past four months.

Trisha Poorbaugh - Fayette County, Secretary

Trisha attended the Fayette County public speaking contest where she was able to share with 4-H'ers about State Council. She also volunteered her time at the Fayette County 4-H refreshment stand. A personal accomplishment this month for Trisha is that she won the supreme showmanship contest at her fair. Some contacts that she made this month are: Secretary Reading, Governor Wolf, Congressman Thompson, Senator Casey, FFA State Officer Team, Pennsylvania State Dairy Royalty.

Molly Scheetz - Bucks County, Reporter and Historian

This month Molly had the opportunity to attend the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs Agricultural night. She volunteered time with her county swine club to paint boards at her county grange fair. A personal accomplishment for her this month was winning grand champion showmanship with her hog at her last county fair.