Posted: March 27, 2020
Thank you to all who attended our 2019 York County 4-H Achievement Night and Glow Party! We hope you had as much fun as we did. Congratulations to all the 4-H members who took the time to complete an award form and/or an Officer’s Book. Congratulations to the clubs that submitted Club Portfolios.
Winners for 2019 include: 13 Graduating Members for a total of 99 years in 4-H, and 24 teens who collectively gave 1,168 hours serving as counselors for our younger 4-H members. We also recognized 14 Cloverbud members. In our first year of the PA 4-H Clover Awards, we were pleased to award 48 members with their Green Clover Award, 30 members with their White Clover Award, 14 members with their Bronze Clover Award, 5 members with their Silver Clover Award, and 2 members with the Gold Clover Award!
- Outstanding Rookie Members - Allie Houser & Taryn Stem
- Outstanding Junior Members - Chrisalyn Mitchell & Nicole Mitchell
- Outstanding Senior Members - Katie Houser & Abby Ross
- Outstanding President - Grace Halvorsen, Wellsville Boots & Saddle 4-H Club
- Outstanding Vice President - Jana Shoffner, Winterstown-Felton 4-H Comm. Club
- Outstanding Secretary/Rolla Lehman Award - Melanie Haugh, Horse-N-Around 4-H Club
- Outstanding Treasurer - Justin Werner, York County 4-H Beef Club
- Outstanding News Reporter - Kayla Henry, York Co. Rabbit & Small An. 4-H Club
- Outstanding 4-H Club Awards for Animal Club Category:
- Publicity - York County 4-H Alpaca Club
- Community Service - Horse-N-Around 4-H Club
- Outstanding 4-H Club - York County 4-H Swine Club
- Outstanding Historian - Natalie Good
- Outstanding 4-H Club Awards for the Special Interest Club Category:
- Outstanding 4-H Club - York County 4-H Rabbit & Small Animal Club
- Outstanding Historian - Nicole Mitchell
- Outstanding 4-H Club Awards for the Community Club Category:
- Publicity - Thomasville 4-H Community Club
- Community Service - Sunbeams Daytime 4-H Community Club
- Outstanding 4-H Club - Winterstown-Felton 4-H Community Club
- Outstanding Historian - Emily Shoffner
York County 4-H
2401 Pleasant Valley RoadSuite 101
York, PA 17402-9600
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Please call ahead to ensure someone is available to assist you.
- Email
- Office 717-840-7408