Each of our animal science clubs provide youth an opportunity to dive deeper into learning about the animal species that interests them. Our small animal clubs include dog, guinea pig, poultry, rabbit, and raising puppies for the Seeing Eye Program.

Loving Eyes Seeing Eye Puppy 4-H Club

  • Project focus: Seeing Eye Puppy Program
  • Meets: 3rd Monday of each month at the York County 4-H Center

York County 4-H Poultry Club

  • Project focus: poultry - chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, guinea fowl
  • Meets: 2nd Monday of each month at the York County 4-H Center

York County Clover Canines 4-H Club

  • Project focus: dog - obedience, agility, therapy
  • Meets: 2nd & 4th Thursdays of each month at the York County 4-H Center

York County Rabbit & Small Animal 4-H Club

  • Project focus: rabbits, guinea pigs/cavies, other small animals
  • Meets: 4th Tuesday of each month at the York County 4-H Center

For more information about any of our small animal clubs, please contact the office of Penn State Extension in York County.