Our special interest clubs focus on a specific project area, allowing youth to immerse themselves into a project area they want to learn more about. Our special interest clubs include gardening and horticulture, insects, inter-state exchange, leadership, shooting sports, and wildlife. York County 4-H also offers a variety of short-term special interest clubs throughout the year.
York County 4-H Aviation Club
- Project focus: aviation, aerospace, rocketry
- Meets: 3rd Tuesday of each month at the York County 4-H Center
York County 4-H Entomology Club
- Project focus: insects
- Meets: 3rd Wednesday of each month at the York County 4-H Center
York County 4-H Senior Exchange Club
- Project focus: inter-state exchange, must be a member of another club to join, ages 13-18
- Meets: 1st Wednesday of each month at the York County 4-H Center
York County 4-H Shooting Sports Club
- Project focus: air rifle, air pistol, archery, shotgun
- Meets: various dates and locations depending upon the project
York County 4-H Teen Council
- Project focus: leadership, ages 13-18
- Meets: 3rd Thursday of each month at the York County 4-H Center
York County 4-H Sewing Club
- Project focus: sewing, clothing, textiles
- Meets: 4th Monday of each month at the York County 4-H Center
Various county-wide short-term project clubs
- Contact our office for upcoming project topics, dates, and locations
For more information about any of our special interest clubs, please contact the office of Penn State Extension in York County.
York County 4-H
2401 Pleasant Valley RoadSuite 101
York, PA 17402-9600
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Please call ahead to ensure someone is available to assist you.
- Email YorkExt@psu.edu
- Office 717-840-7408