There are several 4-H Horse Clubs in Indiana County that provide the opportunity for members to learn about horses. We have competitive teams such as 4-H Horse Judging, Hippology, and Horse Bowl, as well as the County, Regional, and State 4-H Horse Shows. There are also numerous opportunities within these clubs for those who do not own a horse to learn about horses.
The Indiana County 4-H Horse Program is comprised of a total of three horse clubs that represent all areas of the county. The program is all about equine education. If you want to learn more about horses, this is the place to be. Members have a variety of projects and opportunities to participate in and showcase their talents, with both horse and horseless options. Some of the individual and/or team programs offered in the county, region, and state are:
- English and Western Horse and Pony Shows
- Regional Horse Camp
- Horse Bowl
- Equine Hippology/Communications Contest
- Horse Judging
- Model Horse Exhibiting
Bits & Bridles
Location: Homer City
Club Leader: Ashley Monoskey (
Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of the month in Homer City. This club offers Performance, Production, and Horseless projects.
Shawnee Riders
Location: Indiana
Club Leader: Marjorie Bezilla (
Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of every month in Indiana. Performance and production horse projects are offered at this club.
Location: Indiana
Club Leader: Amanda Risinger (
Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of the month in Indiana. This club offers Performance, Production, and Horseless projects.
Indiana County 4-H
827 Water StreetIndiana, PA 15701-1755
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Please call ahead to ensure someone is available to assist you.
- Email
- Office 724-465-3880