Through their 4-H environmental and outdoor education projects young people will learn about the interconnection of people and nature. Project areas in wildlife, forestry, fishing, outdoor adventure, and environmental education.

Journey through fields, forests, wetlands, and urban areas to discover the wonders and mysteries of Pennsylvania’s natural environment. Members will develop respect and appreciation for and a sense of stewardship toward our natural resources. Additional educational opportunities for members at the county, state, and national level include:

  • PA 4-H Wildlife & Forestry Educational Field Day
  • National Wildlife Habitat Education Program
  • National Forestry Contest

Outdoor Adventures

Members of this club have the opportunity to take up natural resource projects such as forestry, wildlife, exploration and outdoor recreation.

Location: Indiana County

Club Leader: Deborah Beisel (

This club meets twice a month, usually on Mondays, at various Indiana County Park locations.