Garden Hotline Email:
Master Gardener volunteers are trained to answer a variety of questions about gardening topics specific to our local climate, including:
- pruning tips
- common plant problems, diseases, and solutions
- when to plant vegetables outdoors
- which native plants will thrive in your space
- how to identify pollinator-friendly plants
- lawn/turf care, and more.
For best results, please email a detailed description of your plant concern or question and include two or three high quality photos if possible. You can also call the Master Gardener Hotline voicemail number at 814-483-7155 to receive a return call from one of our Master Gardener volunteers. The Master Gardener volunteers work on a part-time basis and will return your call as soon as possible.
Soil Tests
Soil fertility testing is often recommended by Penn State Extension Master Gardeners as a first step toward healthy plant growth. Read "Don't Guess…Soil Test," to find out what our soil fertility tests measure (and what they don't), instructions on how to take a good soil sample, pricing, timing, helpful links, and more.
There are two ways to get a Penn State Extension soil fertility test:
- Mailing kits can be purchased at our office during regular business hours. For best service, please call the office before stopping by.
- Soil fertility test forms, pricing, and instructions can be viewed and printed from the comfort of your home or office. If you choose this method, you will supply your own mailing bags and mail your payment directly to the lab along with your soil sample.
After submitting your soil sample, the lab will forward a fertility report within about two weeks that includes a chemical analysis of your soil along with recommendations for soil improvement specific to your crops. For faster results, please be sure to include your email.
Plant Pathology & Entomology Identification Services
Penn State Extension Master Gardener volunteers are trained to guide you through more complex plant disease and insect-related questions as well, using trusted resources like the Penn State Plant Disease Clinic and the Penn State Entomology Department to find answers quickly and efficiently. For best results, please begin by emailing the Master Gardeners.