Free sevice to residents. Master Gardener volunteers will answer home garden, lawn, tree, insect, and wildlife questions.
The Penn State Extension office in Schuylkill County is opened 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. The Garden Hotline is staffed by Master Gardeners and is open 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Mondays and Wednesdays, April through October. If you have a plant question or concern, please send a detailed description via email to You may attach two or three high quality photos to help the Master Gardeners identify the plant or issue. Samples may be brought to the office during regular hours. You may also call 570-391-0984 or 570-622-4225 and leave a detailed message. Master Gardeners will respond as soon as possible.
Soil Test Kits and Water Test Kits
Soil test kits and water test kits can be purchased at the Extension office or ordered online directly from the lab.
Plant Pathology Services
If the Garden Hotline is unable to diagnose your plant disease, it will be forwarded the Penn State Plant Disease Clinic Digital samples can be sent to their new email address If necessary, physical samples can be mailed to the clinic via US Mail, FedEx and UPS. See the Clinic website for more specific information on submitting digital and physical samples