Pollinator Garden and Walking trails

Pollinator Garden - Poor Farm Trail Beds

Pollinator Garden - Poor Farm Trail Beds

One very special project that the Master Gardeners have worked on this year is the Poor Farm Trail Beds located on Rt 6 in Smethport. They are poised at the start of the Orchard Trail, which begins at the Good Growing Gardens. Made up of eight separate raised beds, they provide a variety of experiences for those walking along the trail. Each is designed with a different purpose and theme. One of the beds features plants that can be used as a dye agent. Other beds have milkweed and other pollinator plants. There are an abundance of insects and bees present on the plants. Our featured garden bed pictured here is made up of perennial vegetables, including strawberries, asparagus, rhubarb, chives, Egyptian onions, and scarlet runner beans. The plants change throughout the season, providing those walking along the trail new experiences each time they visit.