The Penn State Extension Master Gardener Garden Hotline can be reached at 724-465-3880 and a Master Gardener will return your call. The Hotline can also be reached by email,


Master Gardeners answer questions on a variety of topics including growing vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, turfgrass, plant identification, pruning, and insect and disease problems. Master Gardeners encourage the use of integrated pest management and environmentally sound practices.

To help with identification and diagnosis, plant and insect specimens may be brought to the extension office during office hours. For identification, select fresh plant samples with intact parts including flowers, if present. For diagnosis, bring a live sample that shows both healthy and unhealthy growth. Enclose live insect specimens and infested plants in an airtight container. If you cannot keep the insect alive, place it in a jar with rubbing alcohol or freeze it for several days to preserve the specimen. Digital photos for plant or insect identification can also be emailed to the office.

Soil Test Kits and Water Test Kits

Soil test kits and water test kits can be ordered online directly from the lab.

Plant Pathology Services

If the Garden Hotline is unable to diagnose your plant disease, the Penn State Plant Disease Clinic remains open and is still accepting samples. The Clinic is accepting digital sample submission and encourage submission of photos before mailing samples. Digital samples can be sent to . If necessary, physical samples can be mailed to the clinic via US Mail, FedEx and UPS. See the Clinic website for more specific information on submitting digital and physical samples.