Penn State Extension in Indiana County is now accepting applications for the 2026 Penn State Master Gardener program. This program consists of an intensive, semester-long training course designed to teach best practices so that volunteers can share their knowledge with others.
Do you have a strong interest in gardening? Are you a life-long learner? Do you want to share your gardening enthusiasm and knowledge? Then consider becoming a Penn State Master Gardener.
Master Gardeners are a varied group, for sure. Some of us love to grow vegetables, some love flowers, some grow for wildlife, but we all grow in knowledge. So no matter what you love to grow, there is always something new to learn. This program consists of a volunteer training course designed to provide experienced home gardeners with information and skills necessary to share their experience and knowledge with others. This is not a garden club. Education to the communities we live in is our focus.
This course will run from October through April, and will meet weekly. The cost is $250 and includes all materials and supplies plus the award winning Master Gardener Manual.
After completion of the instructional classes, candidates must agree to volunteer 50 hours for the Penn State Master Gardener Program in their county the first year. Each year after, 20 hours of volunteer time and 10 hours of continuing education time annually is easily obtained to keep your certification. Approved hours can be obtained through our projects of programs and presentations, answering garden questions at local events or on our Garden Hotline, participating in research studies, and tending our educational demonstration gardens.
Apply online here or call Elisa Bradshaw at the Indiana Extension office for more details, 724-465-3880. Paper applications are available at the office.