In Dauphin County, Master Gardeners provide the following services:

  • Garden Hotline
    Answer consumer's telephone inquiries and assist Extension office visitors with plant and insect samples for identification or diagnosis.
  • Speaker's Bureau and other Educational Programs
    Deliver science-based educational programming including presentations, workshops, and displays for local organizations, as well as our annual Speakers' Series that is available to residents nationwide. 
  • Demonstration Gardens
    Assist with establishing and maintaining educational demonstration gardens.
  • Youth Gardening Education, including delivering the Poison Prevention Program
    Assist teachers, 4-H volunteers and youth, and local children with Poison Prevention Program lessons and other gardening education projects.
  • Informational Materials
    Prepare research-based gardening and horticultural materials for fact sheets, newsletters, newspapers, and web sites.
  • Environmental Stewardship
    Develop or assist with community-based environmental stewardship projects.