
  • Poinsettias placed in the flower-bud initiation darkness in September should be allowed to remain in a sunny window near months end. Feed until bracts show color and do not expose to evening light until the flowering begins.
  • Check plants for pests and treat as necessary.
  • Window plants turned occasionally will keep a better shape.
  • Amaryllis potted now will bloom by Christmas. Plant one to a five inch pot inserting the lower third of the bulb in the soil.
  • Callas may be potted.
  • Geraniums need lots of light and cool conditions to keep from getting leggy.


  • Mums may be cut back to three inches and mulched lightly after the ground freezes.
  • Remove dead foliage from around rose bushes, work in some bone meal around the plant, then hill soil or mulch about eight inches deep around the canes.
  • Cut all suckers from the base of lilac bushes and apply manure or compost.
  • Last chance to plant spring blooming bulbs (daffodils, tulips).
  • Protect trunks of newly planted shade trees by wrapping loosely with burlap or paper strips. Place wire or other protector around young fruit trees to prevent rabbit and mice damage.
  • All vegetable garden refuse should be cleaned up and added to the compost.
  • After a few frosts, cover strawberry beds with straw, pine needles, or other coarse litter.
  • Raspberries planted in sandy soil benefit from an application of rotted manure.
  • Clean up and destroy diseased and insect-infested foliage and fruit from the garden.
  • Lawns should have about two inches of top growth to go into the winter to prevent matting.
  • Leaves raked up can be added to the compost pile or used as mulch.
  • Use coldframes to store plants that need protection.