Is Your Garden Ready to Plant?

March 1, 2022

Get a Soil Test to Determine if Your Soil is Ready.

The Perennial Plant of the Year™ Program – Selecting for Success

February 17, 2022

the Perennial Plant Association has made the selection of reliable and beautiful perennials much easier by launching The Perennial Plant of the Year™ program.

Polyculture and Permaculture

January 25, 2022

An Indigenous gardening model that fits today’s landscapes.


January 25, 2022

Polyculture a fancy term for a technique you are probably already using.

Poison Ivy - - The Native Plant Nobody Wants

January 25, 2022

This may seem like a strange time of year to talk about poison ivy, but, really, it isn't. Did you know you can still get it if the plant has no leaves? Or even if the plant is dead?

Witch Hazel – A Bright Spot in the Winter Landscape

December 21, 2021

Witch Hazel might be the perfect thing to add to your landscape to brighten it up for the winter.

Gardening in the Dirt in Winter

December 21, 2021

Now that the cold weather is here, we gardeners must turn to indoor activities in order to get a "gardening fix".

The Many Benefits of Trees

December 13, 2021

Have you ever watched the sun’s rays burst through the trees on a crisp winter morning or lay beneath the comforting branches of a shade tree on a breezy summer afternoon?

Amaryllis ~ A Winter Delight

December 13, 2021

Amaryllis bulbs were brought to Europe from Africa in the 1700s and have become a popular Christmas flower to grow or give as a gift.

Long, Tall Trunk in a Yellow Dress: The Versatile Poplar Tree

December 13, 2021

With its many delightful qualities, tulip poplar trees deserve renewed consideration from property owners who have sufficient space for planting them.

Take a Close Look at Plants That Are Coming Inside for the Winter

November 16, 2021

Make sure to give your plants a close examination for visible critters such as mealybugs, aphids or scale that like to hide out under leaves or in leaf-stem intersections.

Creating Outdoor Rooms

November 2, 2021

Whether you have a big back yard or a tiny urban lot, outdoor rooms are the key to functional outdoor living.

Native Red Columbine

October 26, 2021

If you are interested in adding more native plants to your garden, this is a good place to start.

Lessons From the Trial Gardens for 2021

October 26, 2021

The Penn State Trial Gardens have plants that have unique characteristics that the novice or the experienced gardener may find useful for their own gardens.

How Much Rain Did We Have?

October 26, 2021

An inexpensive rain gauge will help gardeners keep track of critical moisture data.

Ornamental Peppers Are Hot Now!

October 18, 2021

Looking for something different to add to your mums and asters? Try ornamental peppers!

Garden Year Round with Hydroponics

October 18, 2021

A hydroponic system can provide your home with a garden year round with bigger, better tasting produce.

The Pollinator Plot--A Butterfly Attractant

September 14, 2021

The goal of the Pollinator Plot is to attract pollinators, ranging from tiny insects to bats, mice, voles, and any other animal with fur that can attract pollen from a specific plant to its body and then transfer that pollen to a different plant.

Fill the Empty Space with Cool Season Crops

August 3, 2021

Tomatoes! Zucchinis! Beans! And sweating like crazy while picking them, watering them, and weeding around them! This is a busy time for vegetable gardeners.

Succulents Love Summer Heat!

July 30, 2021

Here are some tips to keep your succulents healthy and looking their best.

Two Popular Garden Center Choices: Invasive or Not?

May 28, 2021

Japanese barberry and burning bush are two common shrubs that are invasive.

Starting the Gardening Season

May 4, 2021

This time of year, as the daytime temperatures warm and the snow is but a memory, we get very excited for spring and what’s to come. Planting our vegetable gardens, containers, and taking out our houseplants are all chores for the springtime. However, be careful, because for many things, it’s still too early.

Master Gardener Basic Training in Adams and Franklin Counties Postponed to 2021

January 20, 2021

Master Gardener Basic Training classes are now tentatively scheduled to be held beginning around October 1, 2021. Because of COVID concerns, basic training classes were canceled in 2020.