Get Outdoors and Explore!
Do you like to learn about wild animals? You can become the ultimate wildlife scientist by taking part in Pennsylvania 4-H’s variety of wildlife projects! Choose from observing wildlife to learning about careers in wildlife management.
Youth who participate in 4-H wildlife programs develop life skills that include leadership, responsibility, decision making, communicating, planning and organizing, community service, a positive attitude, and a sense of self-worth. The goal of these projects is for youth to learn how to identify, track, manage and protect the wildlife that share the environment with us.
Learn about:
- Tracking
- Wildlife Management
- Wildlife habitat and Identification
- Animal Groups
- Careers in Wildlife
Participant outcomes:
- Develop skills in observing and identifying wildlife.
- Become confident and competent with a variety of outdoor equipment
- Enjoy the outdoors more responsibly
- Learn the basics of wildlife management and be introduced to a variety of careers
Youth interested in outdoor adventure can explore careers like:
- Outdoor Product Designer
- Wildlife Officer (Game Commission)
- Wilderness Guide
- Environmental Educator
- Wildlife conservation technician
- Outdoor Association Representative
The Wildlife Ecologist
- Learn about wildlife and wildlife habitats in this intermediate level project book.
The Wildlife Manager
- Practice skills in managing and protecting wildlife. This project introduces youth to a variety of careers and skills needed for these careers.
Wildlife is All Around Us (Books 1-5)
- Book 1- Wildlife is all Around Us, The Wildlife Detective-Learn safe and effective ways to observe wildlife and identify the wildlife in your community or location.
- Book 2- Wildlife is All Around Us, Spring Series: Learn about the behaviors and adaptations that Pennsylvania wildlife have in the spring season.
- Book 3- Wildlife is All Around Us, Summer Series: Learn about the behaviors and adaptations that Pennsylvania wildlife have in the summer season.
- Book 4-Wildlife is All Around Us, Fall Series: Learn about the behaviors and adaptations that Pennsylvania wildlife have in the fall season.
- Book 5-Wildlife is All Around Us, Winter Series: Learn about the behaviors and adaptations that Pennsylvania wildlife have in the winter season.
Cloverbud Outdoor Opportunity: Nature Start
What’s Nature Start? Nature Start is a new grassroots initiative for youth, sponsored by Pennsylvania 4-H. It is different from anything 4-H has ever done before. Nature Start involves locally based groups for youth ages 5-10. These may be family, neighborhood, or community based, or they may be preexisting groups from schools, childcare centers, homeschoolers, after-school programs and others. Nature Start groups will be organized and facilitated by adult volunteers (“Nature Start Mentors”). Youth involved in these groups will participate in monthly “gatherings” to increase their awareness and knowledge of the natural world, gain interest in spending time outside, and demonstrate improved mental and physical health as a result of spending more time outdoors exploring nature. Nature Start is for all youth, regardless of where they live –- cities, towns, suburbs, and rural areas. There’s a piece of nature in every Pennsylvania community.
The bottom line: Nature Start youth have FUN while connecting with nature.
Explore more programs and events
Pennsylvania State 4-H Office
- Email
- Office 814-863-3824
Pennsylvania State 4-H Office
- Email
- Office 814-863-3824