The Study of Insects
Welcome to the fascinating world of insects. Insects are the coolest creatures on our planet. They have existed for about 300 million years, even before the dinosaurs! There are more different kinds of insets in the world than any other type of animal. Did you know there are more than 750,000 types of insects? Many people don’t realize how much insets affect our lives. They can be both beneficial and harmful.
The study of insects is called entomology (en•to•mol•o•gy). The entomology project is for youth who enjoy learning about science and nature by studying insects.
Insects are the perfect vehicle to capture the attention of youth who may be taken aback by insects or utterly fascinated by them. Insects are ubiquitous and can be observed and collected in nearly every habitat in nearly every part of the world. As a group, their tremendous success can be attributed, in part, to their diversity of form and ability to adapt to a wide range of environments.
Members can contribute to research as citizen scientists and collaborate on educational service projects. Other projects such as forestry, water, and art can be taken as they enhance the entomological experience.
Youth who participate in 4-H entomology programs develop life skills that include leadership, responsibility, sportsmanship, teamwork, community service, a positive attitude, and a sense of self-worth. Liking bugs is not required to participate in the 4-H entomology project.
Learn about:
- Insects & Their Relatives
- Insect Form & Function
- Making an Insect Collection
Participant outcomes:
- Begin to learn about integrated pest management and forensic entomology
- Develop an understanding of and an appreciation for entomology
- Educate others about entomology
Youth interested in entomology can explore careers like:
- Agricultural, biological or genetic research
- Forensic entomology
- Public health
- Consulting (agricultural, environmental, public health, urban, food processing)
- State and federal government agencies
- Conservation and environmental biology
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Natural resources management
- Extension Educator
- Teaming with Insects (Levels 1-3)
- Teaming with Insects increases youth science literacy using insects and their relatives while youth complete activities showing interrelationships among insects, plants, and the environment.
- Stop the Invasion
- A hands-on, interactive curriculum through which youth develop an under-standing of invasive species and their effect on ecological systems.
Cloverbud Environmental Education Opportunities: Nature Start
Nature Start is a new grassroots initiative for youth, sponsored by Pennsylvania 4-H. It is different from anything 4-H has ever done before. Nature Start involves locally-based groups for youth ages 5-10. These may be family, neighborhood, or community based, or they may be preexisting groups from schools, child care centers, homeschoolers, after-school programs and others. Nature Start groups will be organized and facilitated by adult volunteers (“Nature Start Mentors”). Youth involved in these groups will participate in monthly “gatherings” to increase their awareness and knowledge of the natural world, gain interest in spending time outside, and demonstrate improved mental and physical health because of spending more time outdoors exploring nature. Nature Start is for all youth, regardless of where they live –- cities, towns, suburbs, and rural areas. There’s a piece of nature in every Pennsylvania community.
The bottom line: Nature Start youth have FUN while connecting with nature. horses while focusing on safety.
Explore more programs and events
Pennsylvania State 4-H Office
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- Office 814-863-3824
Pennsylvania State 4-H Office
- Email
- Office 814-863-3824