1. Make sure the Brood Box is working 2-4 days prior to hatch.
  2. Brooders should maintain a temperature of 92 to 95° F (taken at one inch above the floor level, the height of the chick's back) during the first week. If you keep the chick beyond the first week, decrease the temperature 5° F per week until room temperature is reached.
  3. The brooder should have a textured, absorbent litter on the floor. If the floor is slippery, the chicks can damage their legs. Pine or cedar shaving or textured paper towel work best in the classroom.
  4. Feed 18-22 percent protein chicken starter food. This completely balanced ration can be obtained from any feed and garden store. The feed can be placed in jar lids, egg cartons, small tuna type cans or a commercial chick feeder.
  5. Water should be available at all times. Use watering equipment that will not allow the chick to get into the water and drown. Commercially made water fountains for use with a quart jar work best. If you need to use a watering devise that is not proven, it is recommended that you place clean marbles or gravel in the water so the chicks can drink between them but not get into the water and drown.
  6. Clean the waterer and brooder daily. This will prevent odors and keep the brooder dry. Dampness provides favorable conditions for the development of molds and bacteria