The avian egg is a marvel to nature's architecture. A highly complex reproductive cell, it is essentially a very small center of life, a world of its own.

As we know it, the egg is the single most complete food known to man. Versatile and nutritious, it is used every day in the preparation of the most common or the most fanciful meals.

Scientifically speaking, an egg (ovum) is the reproductive cell produced by the female. It remains a single cell until the single cell (nucleus) of the male sperm fertilizes it. Once fertilized, the egg has a full complement of chromosomes and genes to start developing.

What is normally called "an egg" (the chicken egg, for example) is a much more complex structure designed to nourish and protect the embryo growing from the zygote. A vigorous health chick can be hatched from each fertile egg. The egg needs only a warm, humid environment while the embryo is maturing.

Although human nutritional requirements are not the same as those of the chick, they are similar in so many respects that the egg has become a convenient, economical source of many of the essential proteins, minerals, and vitamins necessary to our good health.

Nutrition Information Per Serving
Serving Size = 2 U.S. Large Eggs (108 g edible portion)

Fat (Percentage of Calories-68%)
- Polyunsatured
- Saturated
12 g
1 g
4 g
Calories 160
Protein 13 g
Carbohydrates 1 g
Sodium 140

Percentage of U.S Recommended Daily Allowances (U.S.RDA)

Protein 30
Iron 10
Iodine 35
Vitamin A 10
Vitamin D 15
Zinc 10
Vitamin C *
Vitamin E 6
Pantothenic Acid 15
Thiamin 6
Vitamin B6 6
Copper 4
Riboflavin 20
Folic Acid 15
Magnesium 4
Niacin *
Vitamin B12 15
Calcium 6
Phosphorus 20

* Contains less than 2% of U.S. RDA of these nutrients.