_____ Set-up the incubator in a safe area and start running it 48 hours before eggs are to arrive.

_____ Prepare the students a few days before the project begins. Help them understand the principles of incubation and embryology. Discuss what the class wishes to accomplish and what role they will play in reaching the goals of the project. This includes preparing calendars and other project resources.

_____ If your class plans to incubate eggs, prepare the eggs for incubation

_____ Turn the eggs three times daily.

_____ Keep water pans full at all times. Always add water that is warm to the touch.

_____ Keep daily records of all activities involving the eggs (i.e., turning, temperature, water added, candling, and other activities). These records are extremely helpful for trouble-shooting causes of poor hatches.

_____ Candle the eggs every three days to check progress.

_____ Stop-turning eggs three days (after 18 days for chicken eggs) prior to expected hatch.

_____ Prepare brooder box at least two days prior to expected hatch.

_____ Remove the chicks from the incubator and place them in a warm brooder within two to six hours after they hatch.

_____ Remove and discard all remaining unhatched eggs 60 hours after the first chick hatches, then disconnect incubator power.

_____ Clean and disinfect the incubator as soon as the power is disconnected.

_____ Let the incubator dry. Then store it in a safe, cool and dry place.