Posted: April 27, 2023

Lycoming County 4-Her's gain public speaking skills through 4-H Toastmasters

11 members participated in the 2023 4-H Toastmaster program. The young members ranged from 5-18 years old and are active 4-Her's in the county. These members attended 6 weeks of meetings from January through March practicing and gaining public speaking skills.

Throughout the weeks members got to practice and learn about various educational public speaking topics. Educational topics included organizing your speech, eye contact, vocal variety, using visual aids, and knowing your audience. 4-H members gave 3 types of speeches during the weeks which included

  • Table Topics - a one minute unprepared speech,
  • Ice Breaker - a prepared speech all about themselves,
  • Formal speech - a prepared topic on any subject area.

On, April 3, the Toastmaster program ended with a final program to showcase to their family and friends the skills that they learned. Our officers of the final program were President - Caitlyn Shrodo, Vice President - Selah Lovell, Secretary - Olivia Kile, and Toastmaster - Joseph Laubacher.

The top 2 juniors and seniors of the program received the honor of giving their Formal speeches during the program. These top speeches were chosen based on evaluations given by adult evaluators throughout the weeks.

The top 2 junior speakers were Olivia Kils presenting on 'Keuka Lake Attractions' and Isabella Steppe presenting on 'My Grandmother as a Child.'

The top 2 senior speakers were Deacon Lovell presenting on 'Snowboarding' and Caitlyn Shrodo presenting on 'The Benefit and Enjoyment of the People.'

Other members participating in the Toastmaster program included: Kendall Daughtery, Eliza Kile, Aramis Laubacher, Joseph Laubacher, Wyatt Laubacher, Selah Lovell, and Katarina Steppe.

Photo credit by: Corey Ritter

Lycoming County 4-H


Lysock View Complex, Suite 206
542 County Farm Road

Montoursville, PA 17754-9621

Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Please call ahead to ensure someone is available to assist you.