Activities designed to teach children about nature, animals, art, music, food, and health.
Lycoming County Clubs
Lycoming County 4-H has a unique program offered to educate the youth of the surrounding area. This program is available to youth ages 5-18. There are several ways to get involved with in 4-H. We have Community clubs which offers a variety of projects throughout the year and Project specific clubs, which include our shooting sports and horse projects. Lycoming County also offers various Day camps which are open to any 4-H member in the county.
Project Areas
- Animal Science
- Civic Engagement and Leadership
- Communications and Expressive Arts
- Environmental Science and Shooting Sports
- Healthy Living and Wellness
- 4-H Artitude
- Art club
- Expressive Arts/Crafts and Fine Arts Project
- Meetings are 2nd Monday of each month, 5:30-7:30 pm
- Art club
- Back Country Roads
- Community/Livestock Club
- Livestock, Dairy, Expressive Arts/Crafts, Fishing and Leathercraft, other projects determined each year
- Meetings are once a month on a Saturday (TBD) at 7:00 pm
- Community/Livestock Club
- Bald Eagle
- Bastress Community 4-H Club
- Sewing Club
- Quilting, cooking/baking and other projects to be determined each year
- Meetings are 2nd Sunday of each monty at 6:00 pm and various other times to complete projects
- Sewing Club
- County Council
- County Line
- Livestock and Cloverbud Club
- Livestock projects and Cloverbud curriculum and other projects to be determined each year
- Meeting times TBD
- Livestock and Cloverbud Club
- Green Valley
- Grillmasters
- Cooking Club
- Cooking projects and other projects to be determined each year
- Meetings are first Tuesday of each month, 6:00-8:00 pm
- Cooking Club
- Keystone Kountry
- Livestock and Cloverbud club
- Livestock projects and Cloverbud curriculum
- Meetings are 2nd Sunday of each month, 2:00 pm
- Livestock and Cloverbud club
- Lycoming County Livestock Judging Club
- On the Fence
- Community Club
- Livestock, Hiking, Rocketry, Cloverbud Curriculum and other projects to be determined each year
- Meetings are 1st Thursday of each month, 6:00 pm
- Community Club
- Pioneer Valley
- Community Club
- Livestock, Woodworking, Rocketry, Gardening, Baking, Sewing/textiles, Entomology, STEM, Leadership/Personal Development, Beekeeping, Expressive Arts/Crafts, Dog/Companion animal, Photography, Fishing and other projects to be determined each year
- Meetings are 2nd Saturday of each month, 7:00 pm; project related meetings meet prior to monthly business meeting
- Community Club
- State Road
- Toastmasters
- Shooting Sports Clubs
- Nothin But Dust - Shotgun
- The 22 Club - .22 Rifle
- Green Valley - Archery
- Horse Clubs
- Hold Your Horses
- Hunter’s Run - Horse Cloverbuds
- Stirrup Some Fun
- Horse Club
- All horse projects
- Meetings are last Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm
- Horse Club
- Valley Riders
Start a new club
4-H is all about exploration! If you do not see a project or a club that looks like the right fit, you can start a new club.
4-H Clubs require:
- At least 5 youth (from at least two families)
- An adult club leader as point of contact with the 4-H Educator
- A minimum of 2 screened adult volunteers
- Hold regular educational meetings
Contact your county 4-H educator to discuss the process of developing a new club.
Lycoming County 4-H
Lysock View Complex, Suite 206542 County Farm Road
Montoursville, PA 17754-9621
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Please call ahead to ensure someone is available to assist you.
- Email
- Office 570-433-3040