Posted: December 21, 2023
Lycoming County highlights members and volunteers from throughout 2023 at annual Achievement Night.
4-H'ers, volunteers, and their families gathered at the Montoursville Presbyterian Church on November 4, 2023 for an evening of food, friendship, and recognition of accomplishments made in the 2022-2023 4-H program year. Nearly 60 individuals were in attendance. This years theme was Take Me Out to Achievement Night!
Those recognized included:
State Leadership Conference participants: Mackenzie Heyler and Caitlyn Shrodo
4-H Camp Counselors: Landon Cundiff, Cameron Fishel, Katie Shipton, and Caitlyn Shrodo
4-H Campers: Aubrey Arrigonie, Blair Arrigonie, Arabelle Beaver, Kiefer Betz, Ayva Burgett, Jack Cassidy, Addison Cundiff, Connor Gornder, Sarah Harding, Timothy Harding, Peyton Hartman, Grace Hearn, Tucker Hearn, Kenny Hunley, Kara Jordan, Paige Jordan, Aubree Kitzmiller, Lydia Mead, Finley Meckbach, Adalyn Meixel, Kaydance Meixel, Lyla Rankin, Macklan Rhone, Crickett Robbins, Cierra Sonnen, Aveah Stiger, Ella Trunzo, Abigail Walter, and Grace Winter (Timothy Harding and Paige Jordan- completed the CAT- counselor at training program during camp and will be eligible to serve as a camp counselors in 2024)
4-H Camp Adult Staff Volunteers: Sean Frantz and Tracey Paternostro
Animal Science Camp participants: Hayden Fry- dairy track, Samantha Harvey- livestock track, Ethan Hendershot- livestock track, and Rachel Winter- livestock track
Animal Science Camp Chaperon: Harley Fry
State Clover Awards:
- Green Clover- Daniel Beard, Emma Cassidy, Nathaniel Kaminski, Kaylie-Anne Neidig, and Ella Reicks
- White Clover- Jack Cassidy, Makayla Heyler, Aramis Laubacher, Joseph Laubacher, and Wyatt Laubacher
State Program Ambassador in Expressive Arts and Healthy Living: Caitlyn Shrodo
Engineering Design participant: Nathaniel Kaminski
State Horse Show participants: Arabelle Beaver, Kiernan Craig, Macie Confer, Taylor Fry, Samantha Harvey, Madeline Minnier, Grace Paulhamus, Abigail Walters, and Grace Woodley
State Shooting Sports Contest participants:
- Junior Shotgun- Tyler Engel, Connor Harstead, and Jacob Machmer
Fair Food Stand Drawing Winners: (these members recieved free $30 membership for the 2023-2024 4-H year)
- Cameron Fishel- State Road
- Kyler Woolsey- Valley Riders
- Blake Snyder- Back Country Roads
- Blair Arrigonie- Hold Your Horses
- Miranda Stoner- Bald Eagle
- Jacob Machmer- Nothin But Dust
- Emrie Frame- Keystone Kountry
- Julia Stamm- Bastress
- Amelia Robbins- Pioneer Valley
- Melaina Wagner- County Line
Horse Junior Skill-A-Thon Winner: Macie Confer
Horse Senior Skill-A-Thon Winner: Taylor Fry
Horse High Sponsor Seekers:
- Gold- Elizabeth Stackhouse and Kiernan Craig
- Silver- Rachel Snyder
- Bronze- Arabelle Beaver, Paityn Fry, and Madeline Minnier
Roundup Awards:
- Sweepstakes- (these are given to outstanding projects for members any age)
- Landon Cundiff- President
- Rachel Dostick- Dairy Beef
- Tyler Engel- Shotgun
- Josh Evans- Dog
- Alexis Girven- Woodworking
- Conner Gordner- Breeding Beef
- Timothy Harding- Dairy Beef
- Grace Harlan- Market Swine
- Justice Harlan- Market Steer
- Serin Heller- Dairy Goat
- Mackenzie Heyler- Market Lambs
- Mackenzie Heyler- Secretary
- Connor Jarrett- Dairy Heifer
- Emma Kelchner- Secretary
- Kenny Klein- Market Lambs
- Gabriel Knipe- Market Swine
- Joseph Laubacher- Art
- Kiana Peck- Market Steer
- Ella Reicks- Entomology
- Amelia Robbins- Cake Decorating
- Lyla Robbins- Beekeeping
- Chase Shaner- Market Rabbits
- Katie Shipton- Historian
- Caitlyn Shrodo- President
- Blake Snyder- Dairy Heifer
- Miranda Stoner- Global Gourmet
- Ella Trunzo- Quilting
- Grace Winter- Market Steer
- Connor Zook- Archery
- Allena Zielewicz- Sewing
- Clover- (these awards are given to members 8-10 and cloverbuds)
- Ayva Burgett- Goats
- Emma Cassidy- Entomology
- Erica Pick- Rocketry
- Samantha Marshall- Cloverbud
- Allena Zielewicz- Rocketry
- Connor Zook- Market Steer
4-H Graduates: Logan Armstrong, Lindsey Brooks, Alexander Burleigh, Erin Deljanovan, Hunter Fink, Lauren Foust, Dakota Fraley, Landree Fraley, Ashlin Harris, Samantha Harvey, Seth Lauchle, Lindsey Newcomer, Grace Paulhamus, Mackenze Snook, and Rachel Snyder
Adult Fair Food Stand Winners: Matt Coffman, Shelly Harding, Karen Heyler, and Tasha Moore
Volunteer Milestones:
- 1st Year Leaders- Colleen Jones, Logan Koser, Elizabeth Laubacher, Kelly Pittenger, Alan Robbins, Lindsey Ryder, Stephen Shrodo, Denise Wagner, and Jim Wagner
- 5 Year Leaders- Christy Fishel, Harley Fry, Ed Heyler, and Karen Heyler
- 10 Year Leader- Curt Stackhouse
- 15 Year Leaders- Brett Taylor and Laura Taylor
- 35 Year Leader- Nancy Jarrett
Lycoming County had a fantastic year with 278 club members, 71 volunteers, and 19 active clubs. The 4-H program reached 475 youth through our Embryology program. Our top projects included: Livestock, Horse, and Expressive Arts.
~ Photo credit by: Corey Ritter
Lycoming County 4-H
Lysock View Complex, Suite 206542 County Farm Road
Montoursville, PA 17754-9621
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Please call ahead to ensure someone is available to assist you.
- Email
- Office 570-433-3040