Recommended Grade Level:

All Grades

Project Length:

Must document at least 9 hours of work time.


$40.00 per classroom plus material cost
(Checks can be made payable to: PSCE)

Teacher's Responsibility:

* Completions of 4-H Enrollment Forms
* Integration of Project into Classroom Curriculum
* Providing Location (if after school)
* Ensuring project completion (including, but not limited to, a poster for
entry in the Dauphin 4-H Fair)

For more information, contact:

Heather Freeland, 4-H Youth Development Educator
Phone: (717) 921-8803
Fax: (717) 921-0135

*4-H is a Youth Development Program of Penn State Extension. It is a nonformal education program for youth between the ages of 8 and 19. 4-H Projects are offered to youth through community clubs, project clubs, special interest groups, as enrichment to school curricula, and in the 4-H Afterschool Program. Projects are based on research and many help to support the Pennsylvania Department of Education Academic Standards.