Activities designed to teach children about nature, animals, art, music, food, and health.

Dauphin County Clubs

Dauphin County 4-H has a unique program offered to educate the youth of the surrounding area. Youth, age 5-18, may join a local 4-H club led by an experienced volunteer to provide the best hands-on experience in the county.

Project Areas

  • Animal Science
  • Civic Engagement and Leadership
  • Communications and Expressive Arts
  • Environmental Science
  • Healthy Living and Wellness
  • STEM


Dauphin County 4-H Fur & Feathers Club

Organizational Leader - Ryan Evans & Haven Evans

Meeting Location - PA Farm Show Complex, 2300 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg (Use the Maclay Street Entrance)

Months that Club Meets - Second Tuesday (February - July & September - December). 6:00 p.m.

Cloverbuds Accepted - Yes

Description - Dauphin County 4-H Fur and Feathers Club is a small animals club focusing on rabbits, poultry, guinea pigs (or “cavies”) and small companion animals such as cats and dogs.  You do not need to own an animal or live in Dauphin County to be part of our club. Club email: Club Facebook page: furandfeathers4h Club Voicemail/Text: 717-319-8225 Club IG: @furandfeathers4h Subscribe to Our Club Email updates:

Exchange Club

Organizational Leaders - Kim Coble & Jessica Linn

Meeting Location - Coble’s home in Hershey.

Months that Club Meets - First Wednesday of each month. 7:00 p.m.

Cloverbuds Accepted - No

Description - The Exchange Club offers 4-H’ers age 13 and older with an opportunity to travel to other parts of our country! The Exchange Club requires members to commit to a 2 year enrollment in the club. During the 2 year time frame, the club pairs up with a 4-H club from another state. One year will be spent hosting the other club in our area. During this time our club will take their guests to areas throughout our state that will help teach them about important and well known places in our area. The other year is spent traveling to the other 4-H club’s state. In order to become a member of the exchange club, 4-H members must be a member in good standing in another club. Exchange club is available as a secondary club. Active participation in events and fundraising is essential.

Friendship Club

Organizational Leader - Janell & Addison Neff

Meeting Location - Conewago Church of the Brethren, 7035 Schoolhouse Road, Hershey.

Months that Club Meets - Second Friday of each month. 7:00 p.m.

Cloverbuds Accepted - Yes

Description - Provides the opportunity for 4-H youth to carry any project (except for Horse & Livestock) in the 4-H program. Our focus is to give the youth a broad exposure of the numerous projects in 4-H that a youth can do.  Here is a list of the projects that the current 4-H club members are already carrying. The list includes the following:  baking, sewing, art, textiles, fiber arts, wood working, animal care, leadership, forestry, fishing, knitting, cross stitch, poultry, rabbits, livestock, and so many more. 

Lower Dauphin Livestock Club

Organizational Leaders - Jonathan Coble & Kim Coble

Meeting Location - Conewago Church of the Brethren, 7035 Schoolhouse Road, Hershey. (September - April)

                               Coble Farm - (May, June, & July)

Months that Club Meets - Fourth Tuesday of the month. 7:00 p.m.

Cloverbuds Accepted - Yes

Description - Livestock club focuses on all large animal species (cattle, swine, goats, sheep). 4-H’ers will learn how to care for and show these animals.

Manestreamers on Top

Organizational Leaders - Caitlin Otero & Fallon Aurentz

Meeting Location - Salem UMC (Basement) 2761 Horseshoe Pike, Campbelltown.

Months that Club Meets - Second Thursday of every month. 7:00 p.m.

Cloverbuds Accepted - Yes

Description - Consists of members of all ages and levels of horse knowledge/experience. (Equine & Horseless projects)

Upper Dauphin Area Community Club

Organizational Leader - Tracy Wertz & Lisa Romberger

Meeting Location - Grace United Methodist Church in Millersburg. October 2023 to March 2024. April - September 2024 - location varies depending on our activity.

Months that Club Meets - First Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m.

Cloverbuds Accepted - Yes

Description - We are a community club with various club projects. Every meeting we have a special activity. 

Upper Dauphin Livestock Club

Organizational Leaders - Jenn & Jeremy Dobbin

Meeting Location - January – May 2025, Fisherville Firehall, Halifax. June, July, August, Septemer, October, & December 2025, at various farms/locations.

Months that Club Meets - Fourth Thursday of every month. 7:00 p.m. Except no meeting in November.

Cloverbuds Accepted - No

Description - Focuses on Large Animal Livestock Projects. These large animal species include: Market Beef, Dairy Beef Steers, Market Lambs, Market Goats, and Market Swine. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Jeremy or Jenn Dobbin at 717-896-8723 or

Great Outdoors Club

Organization Leaders - Scott & Marianne Theurer

Meeting Location - Extension Office, 1451 Peters Mountain Road, Dauphin.

Months that Club Meets - Third Tuesday of the month. 6:30 p.m.

Cloverbuds Accepted - Yes

Description - Has educational programs including but not limited to:  Camping, Hiking, Wildlife, Plants, Map Reading/Orienteering, Shooting Sports and anything Outdoor Related.

Heaven on Hooves

Organizational Leaders - Krista Etzweiler & Cortney Leibfried

Meeting Locations - 523 Etzweiler Road, Millersburg, (weather dependent for hands on learning with horses)
                                420 Summers Road, Millersburg or
                                1844 Armstrong Valley Road, Halifax, (depending on needs of the club                                                                      and communicated in advance)

Months that Club Meets - First Tuesday of each month. 7:00 p.m.

Cloverbuds Accepted - Yes

Description - We Strive to make the best better through community service, learning horsemanship, meeting new friends, going on outings and having fun! Our club consists of members of all ages and levels of horse knowledge/experience.  We have horseless members, members with horses and members with miniature horses.  

Upper Dauphin Rabbit Club

Organizational Leaders - Allyson Rudy & Jason Kramer

Meeting Location - Rudy Farm 243 Ebenezer Road, Halifax, PA (Various Locations).

Months that Club Meets - First Thursday of each month. 7:00 p.m.

Cloverbuds Accepted - Yes

Description - We are a small rabbit focused club that strives to help our youth learn and grow with their projects. We are open to those seeking a club to carry other small animal projects or poultry.

Teen Council

Organizational Leader - Pam Broady & Alex Yordy

Meeting Location - Extension Office, 1451 Peters Mountain Road, Dauphin, PA

Months that Club Meets - Third Monday of January-June (Extension Office) July-November (via Zoom) at 7:00 p.m. No meeting in December.

Cloverbuds Accepted - No

Description - Is a county-wide group that invites youth 14 years old and older to experience leadership, citizenship, trust, financial management, and meet new, diverse friends through an informal self-governance style. Youth must be at least 13 years of age to join. You can belong to Teen Council in addition to your regular club. The officers of Teen Council are elected from within the membership. President and/or the vice president leads the meetings. The treasurer manages the checking account. The secretary keeps track of what’s happening at our meetings.

Start a new club

4-H is all about exploration! If you do not see a project or a club that looks like the right fit, you can start a new club.

4-H Clubs require:

  • At least 5 youth (from at least two families)
  • An adult club leader as point of contact with the 4-H Educator
  • A minimum of 2 screened adult volunteers
  • Hold regular educational meetings

Contact your county 4-H educator to discuss the process of developing a new club.