Providing a water source for pollinators is a key step in creating a Certified Pennsylvania Pollinator Friendly Garden.

A glass birdbath serves as a water source in a pollinator friendly garden.

A glass birdbath serves as a water source in a pollinator friendly garden.

Pollinators need water for many purposes, including drinking and reproduction. A pollinator-friendly garden may include a natural water source such as a stream, pond, shallow pool, or mud puddle. Gardeners can also add a simple water source such as a birdbath or bowl. Many common household items can be imaginatively repurposed to hold water. A simple water source requires minimal care and maintenance. Water should be changed daily to discourage mosquito larvae and the accumulation of debris. Visitors to the Pollinator Friendly Garden Project at the Wyoming County Fairgrounds can look for pollinating insects at a birdbath.

The Pollinator Friendly Garden Project at the Wyoming County Fairgrounds is funded in part by the Wyoming County Room Tax Fund and the Endless Mountains Visitors Bureau.