Posted: February 25, 2025

Registration is now open for the Think Spring! Gardening Seminar on Saturday, April 26, 2025, at Keystone College. Hosted by the Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Wyoming County.

White watering can with cut flower arrangement

White watering can with cut flower arrangement

Think Spring! Registration is now open for Think Spring!, a gardening seminar comprised of four educational sessions offering inspiration and instructional how-to for home gardeners. Presented by the Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Wyoming County, the program takes place in Evans Hall on the campus of Keystone College in Factoryville on Saturday, April 26, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Advanced registration is recommended, as space may be limited. The morning program agenda includes:

  • The Basics of Cut Flower Gardening: Ashlee Butkiewicz will share tips on growing flowers for stunning bouquets. Learn how to establish a cutting garden, choose the best plants, and help them thrive. Get guidance on harvesting for maximum vase life and essential tools for success.
  • Growing Herbs in Containers: Melissa Wright will share steps for designing and growing lush herb-filled containers. Learn how to choose containers, prepare potting mix, care for plants, and harvest herbs for culinary and aromatic uses.
  • Hummingbirds, Butterflies, and Bees... Oh My!: Courtney Leaidicker will highlight native plants that attract pollinators. Learn to select native flowers and provide nesting habitats to support them.
  • Rain Gardens and More: Jeremy Leaidicker will share strategies for managing stormwater with rain gardens, downspout planters, and rain barrels. Discover how to enhance water quality and the environment with beautiful garden spaces.

The $15 program fee includes a folder of take-home horticulture information and garden seed packs. Several door prizes will also be presented, including gardening books, seed-starting supplies, and a gift certificate for perennial plants.

Registration for the Think Spring! Gardening Seminar is available online at Think Spring! Gardening Seminar or by phone, 1-877-345-0691.