Posted: February 3, 2021
One can never imagine such brilliance that the wide-eyed sunflower brings to each viewer.
Whenever I see this flower, it is as though I arrived on a Caribbean Island being welcomed by the sun's warmth and the vitality from the steel band's rhythmic music. It makes me want to dance with my arms up in an attempt to capture even more of its' energy. Without a doubt, the sunflower is radiant. It announces its' presence, it projects intense color and drama and because of certain species size, it shows dominance. Even though we are teased by clear, sunny skies, summer has come to an end. We miss the blanket of colors that our annuals and perennials created. We welcome the new season but miss the summer scents, sounds of bees buzzing, and the congregation of assertive pollinators! The calendar continues to turn pages ahead showing change. Fortunately, the sunflower can still be a burst of energy in bouquets to brighten up our tables.
The Latin meaning of Helianthus originates from the word " Helios", which means sun, and "anthos" meaning flower. The Italian term for sunflower is "girasole", meaning to go around the sun. Much like humans lying on the beach, the sunflower has the ability to rotate itself to remain in the closest direction of the sun. One can observe a field of sunflowers changing direction following the sun's movement and accept its' rays. "I choose to follow you", exclaims the sunflower! Like a platoon of soldiers, they stand at attention early morning facing east to salute the rising sun. Following the light, as the sun moves westward to set, the sunflower is a dedicated follower. The sunflower's circadian rhythm or internal clock knows to return to its' eastern position, waiting for the sun to rise the next morning. This process is known as heliotropism and on cloudy days the system slows down.
Phototropism, a plant's growth in response to light is different than heliotropism, the plants ability to follow the cycle of sun. Phototropins were discovered by biologist Winslow Briggs who found that these photoreceptors are involved in the sunflower's ability to align with the sun. Growth and elogation of the shaded side of stems and shoots occurs as a result of the plant hormone auxin. Auxin-promoting genes become activated on the east side of the stem, causing the western movement. The opposite occurs during the evening hours. A sunflower's growth is greatest when it faces east and is lower at night. As a sunflower matures it will permanently remain facing east promoting its' value for pollination and the creation of new life! The eastern side heats the flower faster thus attracting more pollinators. It is the temperature of the sunflower that is more important than the degree of lighting for bee pollination. When facing west, the growth rates are lower during the day but higher at night. Sunflowers have the ability to move in response to the sun because they lack pulvinus, a thickening at the base of a leaf or other structures that changes its' rigidity in response to light. A certain amount of water reaches different parts of the pulvinus which helps move the leaf towards the direction of the full sun.
Some species of sunflowers can grow up to a height of 120 inches or more. The flower head has brilliant yellow florets at the outside and yellow or maroon (brown/red) disc florets on the inside and are arranged in a natural spiral. Heart-shaped petiolate leaves have serrated margins and a sticky feeling. If brown spots appear, it may be inadequate water, a fungus, or even carrot beetles requiring treatment. Leaves at the base of the sunflower are opposite of each other with the upper leaves being arranged alternately.
Helianthus is a genus of plants comprising of up to seventy species of herbaceous, the majority being native to North America. Historically, North American Indians found sunflowers to be a source of medicinal benefit, a food supply, and were used for weaving and basketry. In countries of the former Soviet Union, sunflower hulls provide an ingredient in the manufacturing of ethyl alcohol and furfural, for growing yeast and lining plywood. Sunflower may be a component in the production of fabric. Consider that your next outfit may be part sunflower!
Greek mythology finds the sunflower to be part of a love story with the sun god Apollo. Loved by Clytie a beautiful water nymph, Clytie followed Apollo's path from east to west each day. Despite Clytie's love, Apollo chooses another and loved Daphne, the daughter of a water god. Clytie then gave up and became a sunflower following the sun.
Sunflowers are best picked early in the day once the dew has dried. It is suggested to keep them in water after removing the lower leaves, let stand in a cool room for a few hours before transferring to a vase. Change the water every few days to extend their beauty. Dry or roast the seeds for a tasty snack or an addition to a salad or topping for a baked bread. Sunflower oil is produced from the seeds, a common cooking oil and may already be in your household!
Before we know it, the calender will continue to move forward leading us into Spring and it will be time to start planning our fields again. Consider initiating an engaging activity for young gardeners. Growing sunflowers is a great scientific experiment that helps to develop responsibility and math skills. Recording the plant's progress and observing the life cycle of growth is more fun than work. It incorporates patience, attention, and results in self-gratification watching outcomes. A young gardener can plant seeds, watch them grow, harvest seeds, and incorporate them into an enjoyable baking project!
Sunflowers are delightful to watch as they worship the sunlight. Their color has been admired by so many including Vincent Van Gogh through his famous Sunflower series which included numerous canvases. His paintings were said to have special significance in communicating "gratitude" as he captured the beauty using vibrant yellow oil paints. Claude Monet also showed his "Bouquet of Sunflowers" in his Impressionist exhibit. The happy flower, regardless of how one views it, will bring on sunshine and a smile!
Helianthus -Sunflowers, University of California UC Master Gardener Program of Sonoma County. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California.
Sunflower. Annual - Carroll County Master Gardeners.
How Tall Is your Sunflower? Alaska Master Gardener Blog.
Master Gardeners: The flowers that follow the sun.
Klein, JoAnna. How Sunflowers Follow the Sun, Day After Day. August 4, 2016. The New York Times.
Kluger, Jeffrey. Here's How Flowers Move__ and Why. Time August 4, 2016.
Helianthus - Wikipedia.
Sunflowers -Vincent van Gogh - Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam
SunFlowers, 1881 by Claude Monet
Marcia Kalista-Richards, Lehigh and Northampton County Master Gardener