The Penn State Extension Garden Hotline is staffed by Master Gardeners. Master Gardeners answer questions on a variety of topics including growing vegetables, fruits, ornamental and turf grass, plant identification, pruning, and insect and disease problems. If you have a plant question or concern, please send a detailed description via email to You may attach two or three high quality photos to help the Master Gardeners identify the plant or issue, please include your phone number. Walk-in hours vary Monday-Friday / April - September. Call for appointment: 484-971-6525. October- March, Master Gardeners will return both e-mails and phone messages on a weekly basis.

Extension Office Pollinator Bed in September

Extension Office Pollinator Bed in September

Soil Test Kits and Water Test Kits

soil test kits and water test kits can be purchased at most Penn State Extension county offices. The Master Gardener hotline can also advise you on sending your soil sample from a kit you self-assemble.

Plant Pathology Services

If the Garden Hotline is unable to diagnose your plant disease, the Penn State Plant Disease Clinic is available and Master Gardeners can advise you on how to forward questions or samples.