Posted: March 2, 2021

Conservation in Northwestern Pennsylvania has gotten a major boost!

Penn State Extension has received a Growing Greener Grant from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to launch the Master Watershed Steward Program in Erie, Crawford, and Warren counties. The Master Watershed Steward Program builds local capacity for protecting watersheds by educating and empowering volunteers across the Commonwealth. The program has over 500 participants in 20 counties, who have collectively contributed over 50,000 volunteer hours improving Pennsylvania watersheds.

Master Watershed Stewards receive over 40 hours of training on topics including water quality, stream health, stormwater management, native plants, wildlife, and geology. After completing the training session, stewards fulfill 50 hours of volunteer service, with volunteer opportunities provided by local conservation organizations, and coordinated by a professional volunteer coordinator.

Locally, trained volunteers will focus on projects that will clean up local streams and Lake Erie, and educate residents about how to improve water quality in their communities. Addressing polluted stormwater runoff will also be a priority for the program.

The first training class will be held in fall of 2021.

For more information about the Master Watershed Steward Program or to request an application for the 2021 training program, contact Erin Frederick at 610-391-9840 or