Junior and senior level competition available and contest May 13, 2023.
May 13, 2023
University Park Campus, Penn State University
- Plaques will be awarded to members of the first and second place team in each age division.
- Special opportunity: The top scoring senior team at the State Contest will represent Pennsylvania at the National Poultry and Egg Conference in Louisville, KY, in November. However, all contestants must be 14 years of age or older as of January 1 of the current year to be eligible to move on to the National level competition. Once a member has competed in the National Avian Bowl they are no longer eligible to compete in Avian Bowl.
Study Information for 2023
All questions and answers will come from the following material in the 2016 version of the Avian Bowl Manual:
- Prologue ... will be available online in early 2023
- Avian systems (Circulatory, nervous, excretory, muscle, skeletal only) ... pages 39-40
- Breeds, varieties, and strains (through New Hampshires, Characteristics) ... pages 67-71
- Eggcyclopedia ... pages 102-124
- Small turkey flock (All)... pages 45-54
- A revised version of Changing World of Poultry and Eggs Market ... will be available online in early 2023
- Embryology (Daily development through entire glossary) ... pages 191-195
- New section: Non-food uses of eggs ... will be available online in early 2023
Note: The above study material came from the National 4-H Avian Bowl Manual revised in 2016.
Pennsylvania State 4-H Office
- Email pa4h@psu.edu
- Office 814-863-3824
Pennsylvania State 4-H Office
- Email pa4h@psu.edu
- Office 814-863-3824