Activities designed to teach children about nature, animals, art, music, food, and health.
Somerset County Clubs
Somerset County offers a variety of clubs. Meeting dates, times, and locations are subject to change, so please use the contact information listed for each club before visiting.
Project Areas
- Animal Science
- Civic Engagement and Leadership
- Communications and Expressive Arts
- Environmental Science and Shooting Sports
- Healthy Living and Wellness
Start a new club
4-H is all about exploration! If you do not see a project or a club that looks like the right fit, you can start a new club.
4-H Clubs require:
- At least 5 youth (from at least two families)
- An adult club leader as point of contact with the 4-H Educator
- A minimum of 2 screened adult volunteers
- Hold regular educational meetings
Contact your county 4-H educator to discuss the process of developing a new club.
This club meets in the Somerset area and offers livestock and cooking as their main projects.
This club meets in the Shanksville area and offers cooking, fishing, horticulture, swine, archery, shotgun and riflery.
This club meets in the Meyersdale, Salisbury and Turkeyfoot areas and offers air rifle, cooking, canning, arts & crafts, wildlife, goats, lambs, beef, poultry, and square dancing.
This club meets in the Somerset area and offers cooking, riflery, air riflery, shotgun, swine, sheep, beef, goats, and horse.
This club meets in the Somerset, Bakersville, New Centerville, and Rockwood area and offers livestock, horse, breeding, cooking, sewing, and other miscellaneous projects.
This club meets in the Hooversville area and offers livestock, plant sciences, sewing, cooking, and cloverbuds.
This club meets in the Boswell/Jennerstown area and offers cooking, sewing, crafts, livestock, archery, fishing, and gardening.
This club meets in the Berlin area and offers livestock, cooking, sewing, biking, and Cloverbuds.
This is a county-wide club comprised of members especially interested in dairy projects.
This club meets in Northern Somerset County and focuses on livestock, cooking, photography, and rocketry projects.
This club meets to discuss fundraisers and options for an exchange trip with a 4-H Club in another state.
This club meets in several locations county-wide and offers horse, photography, and possibly livestock.
Final Drive is a club meeting in Southern Somerset County offering projects, such as beef, sheep, swine, goats, sewing, and cooking.
Somerset County 4-H
6024 Glades Pike, Suite 101Somerset, PA 15501
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Please call ahead to ensure someone is available to assist you.
- Email
- Office 814-445-8911